Chapter Six

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As the night slowly turned to dawn, Sarabi let out a sigh as she turned over in her spot. She didn't want the next day to come but it came and she was scared to even open her eyes. Scared that she has to face reality, knowing that the one animal that she loves, is no longer there next to her.

Letting out a huff of air, Sarabi slowly, but reluctantly, opened her eyes before her eyes wondered around the small cave that Ellie and Manny now call home. She couldn't help but to let out a sigh as she now realised that it might be hers and her two possum boys home for a while, since she doesn't want to go her home.

Of course Sarabi was scared to even go back there, since Diego's scent was all around the cave and she was scared that she was going to break down if she was to go there. She didn't want the two possum brother's to worry about her, since it should be her job to worry about them. Afterall, she is the mother figure to them so she had to be strong for them.

A sigh soon left Sarabi's lips as she stretched out her limbs, before hissing in pain.

'Okay! What is wrong with me?! I should probably go talk to the healer.' Sarabi thought to herself wincing in pain.

But, what she didn't expect in all of her life, to feel something move inside of her. This caused Sarabi to let out a gasp of shock as she looked down at her stomach, mixed emotions started to pool around her, as she got lost in thought.

Ellie woke up to the sound of a loud gasp and looked over towards Sarabi in confusion, wondering why she was awake and looking at her stomach.

As Ellie was about to open her mouth and speak. Sarabi quickly got up from the ground and made her way out of the home. Confusing Ellie as she did.


At this point, I fell asleep writing. Woke up at 3:30PM to my sisters cat on my chest meowing in my face...... so um this also serves as a Time Skip so yay I guess lol


As Sarabi made her way out from the healers home, she couldn't help but to let tears cascade down her fur cheeks. She couldn't believe after all this time, for 8 weeks she has been carrying another life form inside of her. (had to change how many weeks since I was going off of cat and not tiger cycle 🤦‍♀️)

She soon got excited and was about to race and tell Diego that she was carrying his cub. But then realisation hit her and her head hanged low and her body slumped down in sadness.

Her cub, was going to be raised without a father. Soon tears started to fall and land on the ground, she couldn't believe he left her and now he doesn't even know that she was carrying his cub.

A few minutes later, did those tears turn into rage tears. If Diego wanted nothing to do with her, then that's fine.

After a few minutes walking, Sarabi spotted Manny and Ellie in the distance, walking together. A smile was soon replaced her frown and she tried to stop the tears from falling.

As she made her way over towards the two, she thought to herself if she should tell the two that she was pregnant or not. Deciding on telling them later, she finally made it to them.

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