Chapter Three

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Oh hey there *sips tea* another chapter in one week? Why's that you asking? Wait, you didn't ask? Well since last week I was supposed to post but didn't I've decided to post another chapter, since I felt bad for not uploading a chapter last week.
Also yes I am feeling much better and oh my Kami-Kai, you guys!!! I love all of your comments they make a smile appear on my face

{ Also reason why my profile is changed to Justin Bieber is because its a dare and mamma ain't raising no bitch!!! }

So without further ado here's chapter Three.


'Diego's leaving.' 

Was the only words that are bouncing around Sarabi's head, kinda like the DvD logo bouncing from side to side. "Diego's leaving" is the only work that seems to be stuck inside her head and she's trying so hard to get rid of it, but like super glue..... it's stuck there inside her head.

He was leaving? Why? What did she do to make him want to leave? Was it even about her, or is it about something else? 

So many unanswered questions, that Sarabi couldn't answer. She, for the second time since meeting Diego, she was angry. Livid, at the fact that someone who she thought loved her and would stay by her side forever, who she thought would have cubs with her, who..... shaking her head Sarabi fell to the ground covering her eyes with her paws, as her shoulder shook in sadness.

Scaring Ellie, Manny, Crash and Eddie. Who all were by Sarabi's side as soon as she dropped to the ground.




All four animals had shouted, worried for their friend. Crash and Eddie were shaking Sarabi's shoulder, trying to get her to snap out of it and to come back. Ellie could only stand and watch as her first ever friend cried and howled in sadness at the words she just heard. She felt completely useless at the moment, if she wasn't pregnant at the moment she would be next to her friend/sister in an instant. Manny could only watch his sister, in sadness, anger and despair as his conversation with Diego continued to loop around his mind, like a constant repeat.

He felt guilty that he was the one to have delivered the message, but at the same time, livid. That his longtime friend who has been there for him to help shape him to the Mammoth he is today, walk away from everything and everyone that has loved him. 

Manny wasn't sure whether, Sarabi was going to ever forgive Diego. And boy does he hope she doesn't, no one and absolutely no on makes his sister angry/sad and get away with it.

"Come on, mum. Please." Eddie whined as he curled up against Sarabi's right paw.

"We need you to come back." Crash said as his voice cracked as he sniffled as he too curled up against Sarabi, by his brother's side. 

Ellie's heart broke in two, not only seeing her best friend break down, but also seeing her two brothers weeping as if they had lost another mother. Determination was soon set upon Ellie's face as she walked closer towards her best friend.

Sarabi felt something soft, stroking the top of her head, causing her to sniff as she slowly, but surely lowered her paws from her eyes and looked up with blood-shot eyes and tear streaks in her fur.

"Oh, Sara...." Ellie mumbled as she continued to stroke Sarabi's head as Sarabi softly closed her eyes and tried to stop her shaking by taking deep breaths.

Once Sarabi finished her breathing exercises, it was only then did she realise the two bodies of fur, balled up next to her causing her breath to hitch. Crash and Eddie where whimpering a bit as they clung to her.

Sarabi's heart could only break even more and she wondered how much more her heart can take.

"Better?" Manny questioned causing Ellie and Sarabi to look over at him and giving him deadpan looks making Manny chuckle nervously. "Sorry." He mumbled causing Ellie to shake her head and help Sarabi to stand up.

"You're okay!!!!" Crash and Eddie explained as they were jostled awake and saw that she was awake.

"Sorry for worrying you two." Sarabi smiled sadly as she licked both of their head.

The two possum brothers could only smile as the hugged both her front leg making an actual smile appear on her muzzle.

Manny could only smile, glad that his sister is somewhat happy, even if she is putting on a fake smile.

"Come on sweetie, you should rest." Ellie said as she placed her trunk on Sarabi's shoulder with a small smile on her face. 

Sarabi was about to protest and say that she was fine, but her brain was not working with her mouth as she suddenly let out a big yawn, causing the two brothers and Ellie to let out a giggle as they lead her back to their home.

As Manny watched his family walk away back to their home, he couldn't help but to look back and in time too, just to see Diego look away and started off with his journey. Narrowing his eyes at the male, Manny so badly wanted to wrangle him up and drag him back and make him apologize to Sarabi, but he felt that wasn't a good idea. So instead he let out a sigh and walked after his family.

{ Author Notes }

Anyone else just want to hit Diego? Raise your hand!

At this point, I'm wondering if I am doing a good job in life in general. I mean I feel like I could do better with my books but I'm not sure what though, and that's frustrating to me. I want to write better so you guys can enjoy this book the way I envisioned it to be.

But anyways, what do you think of this chapter? Do you think I could of done something different? Or is it good.... be brutal I want feedback from you guys, because I'm at the stage where I actually want to write my own book that isn't a fanfiction but part of a category and be proud that I wrote something that isn't just fanfiction, ya know?

So, who thinks Sarabi's gonna forgive Diego? 

But, that's all what I have sweets

Well until next time guys, I shall see you next chapter

Stay awesome and beautiful/handsome 💋

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