Chapter Five

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You guys are honestly the best, I tell you. All your comments are very helpful and I love reading every single one of them. I wish there was a heart or like button so I can go liking all your comments
As I'm writing some of this I'm sitting in UltraTune waiting for my father to finish so he can send me some extra money to pay for my car service, since I'm giving my sister my car to drive up to Bunderberg for her trip 


As soon as Ellie and Sarabi made it back to their home, Crash and Eddie popped out of nowhere and landed on Sarabi's back. The said female was used to the two brother's doing this so she didn't scare as easily then she did the first time when it happened.

"Hey mum." The brothers shouted simultaneously which caused them to look at each other and narrow their eyes.

"I wanted to say it first." They both shouted again causing Manny and Ellie to look over and couldn't help but to chuckle at the sight.

"Stop copying me!" Crash yelled.

"No you stop copying me!" Eddie yelled back.

As Sarabi continued to walk towards her section of the home, Eddie and Crash decided to launch themselves at each other, tumbling off of the female and onto the ground and started roll around of the floor.

Sarabi stopped as soon as the two boys launched themselves at each other and couldn't help but to giggle at the sight that was in front of her.

(At this point I stopped right here, and fast forward to 3 days later when I continued with the story)

Hearing the sound of laughter, the two brother's stopped rolling around the ground and looked up at their mother figure and couldn't help but to light up seeing her happy. Their plan had worked.

"Come on you two. Enough is enough." Sarabi spoke as she walked towards the two and crouched down and looked at both the two boys. "This isn't our own home, remember this is Manny and Ellie's home." Sarabi said causing the two brother's to look over at their sister and brother-in-law and couldn't help to lower their heads in shame, making Sarabi to nudge them with her head making them look up at her.

As soon as they saw the big goofy smile on Sarabi's face they couldn't help but to let out a huff of air.

"Hey!" The two brother's yelled causing Sarabi to giggle as she quickly made a dash away from the two brothers as they both chased her around the cave.

"I'm glad that shes happy." Manny spoke causing Ellie to glance at him before looking back at her brothers and sister-in-law with a fond smile on her face.

"All what we have to do is be there for her." Ellie said making Manny hum in agreement at what his wife said.

As Manny continued to watch his sister run away from the possum brothers, a fond smile replaced his frown, not wanting to think about Diego at the moment. Glad that the two brothers can put a smile on her face.




Well that is all what I can do with this chapter. Especially since I only have function with one arm at the moment. Nothing wrong, just have a cat laying on my hand since I was petting him and he decided to roll over and trap my arm xD

I have taken the idea of Sarabi putting on a strong facade for the two boys and I would love to thank all of those who have suggested the idea. 

Next chapter may be a small chapter but i'm not entirely sure yet since I'm still deciding what I want to do with the chapter (At this point, my dearest cat decided to roll over and I now have both my arms - . -')

Too late I guess, since the rest of the chapter was gonna be Sarabi playing around with the two siblings before going to bed so I guess that's not needed...

Welp until next time guys, I shall see you next chapter

Stay awesome and beautiful/handsome 💋

Ice Age: The EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora