Book 4 is Out!!!!!!

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You all have been waiting patiently until Book 4 would finally be released....

However, I am releasing the fourth book earlier then I wanted to. 

I've decided that I want to clear out my drafts and get them out otherwise I'll never get to them.

Please do not bombard me with updates for the fourth book on any of my other books, as it makes me slightly upset.

It's going to take a long time before I actually update it because as I have said, this is coming out way too early then it's supposed to. But I felt like I needed to get it out and make it serve as a reminder that you guys have been waiting for so long for this.

I can only thank you guys, I love you all so much.

I enjoy reading all of your comments, some make me laugh and giggle, some I can't stand.

But without you guys, I wouldn't be here making this book series.

I love you all, and it makes me happy that you enjoy my writing

Even though I take 1000 years to complete my books.

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