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So I lied.... this is going to be the last chapter, because I love you all and wanted to give you all this extra chapter as a thank you and I'm sorry that it took a while to get out.

I was meaning to get this part out, 5-8 days after I finished the last chapter but school got in the way and I only wanted to read for a while but I managed to get it out right now that all what matters to me.

Enjoy xx


"Diego you need to stop pacing." Manny said after watching his best friend pace for what seemed like forever.

"How can I not be nervous, my wife is in there, giving birth to my cub." Diego sighed causing Sid and Manny to look at each other before they too let out sighs.

"You got nothing to worry about." Manny said causing Diego to look at him with an almost defeated look on his face as he looked from his friends to the cave where Ellie was helping Sarabi give birth to his cub.

Diego really wanted to be in there, with his wife to reassure her and that everything will be alright. But Ellie thought it be a good idea if she was the only one to help Sarabi, not that Diego was complaining he was thankful that Ellie is in there with his wife.

"DIEGO!" Diego jumped and looked around and let air out through his nose and breathing in through his mouth, repeating the exercise over and over until he was calm.

"Sorry guys." Diego said causing Manny and Sid to understand, more as Manny then Sid then anyone.

"She is fine, Ellie's in there with her." Sid pointed out causing Diego to nod his head.

"Diego?" Ellie voice rang out from the front of their home, causing Diego to look nervously from his friends to Ellie who was smiling warmly. "Come meet your cubs." Ellie said walking over to Manny and Peaches.

"Cubs?" Diego muttered with confusion as he walked towards the enter entrance
while Crash and Eddie looked at each other and looked up to Ellie.

"Can we go in?" Crash questioned as he kept looking back to his home and his sister.

"Not right now, let Diego have his alone time with Sarabi for a moment before meeting them." Ellie said softly causing Crash and Eddie to look at each other with wide eyes.

"Hey." Diego whispered softly as he entered, not wanting to disturb his wife and cub.

"Hi." Sarabi smiler back but Diego could tell that she was still exhausted. "Come meet your son and daughter." Sarabi smiled at the stunned look on Diego's face.

"S-son and da-daughter?" He stuttered as he walked closer towards Sarabi.

Diego watched in awe as both of his cubs opened their eyes at the same time, blinking slowly as they looked up with innocent eyes at their father.

Diego still in awe laid down next to Sarabi as she gently placed their daughter in front of him, while their son snuggled closer into his mother causing Sarabi to smile a little as she licked her sons head.

Diego looking down at his daughter could tell that, she got his golden green eyes making him smile as he looked over at his son and also saw that he got his mother's blue eyes.

"Vitani." Diego mumbled causing Sarabi's ear to twitch as she looked at Diego in confusion. "I've always wanted to name my daughter after my mother." Diego said as he looked down at his daughter lovingly causing a smile to appear on Sarabi's face.

"Vitani, huh?" Sarabi mumbled with a fond smile on her face as she then looked down at her son who was smiling wide up at her causing a chuckle to escape her lips.

"Kovu, Kopa?" Sarabi mumbled causing Diego to look up with amusement watching his wife come up with a name for their son.

"Don't worry, it'll come to us." Diego reassured licking Sarabi's check.

"You're right." Sarabi mumbled looking at Diego with a grateful expression.

"Mom?" A voice echoed throughout the cave causing Diego and Sarabi to look and see Crash and Eddie standing cautiously at the mouth with Sid Manny and Ellie standing behind them.

With a small reassuring smile, Sarabi beckoned the two possum brothers forward with a soft. "Come meet your little brother and sister."

Walking closer, Crash and Eddie were amazed at the two cubs.

"They're tiny." Eddie whispered causing Diego and Sarabi to chuckle in amusement.

"Good job Sarabi." Manny said causing Sarabi to smile faintly at him.

"I promised I wouldn't cry." Eddie sniffled as he hugged Crash to his body as both the brothers started to burst into tears, a fond smile appearing on Sarabi's face as she looked at her adopted sons.

Peaches who was by her mothers side quietly came forward to look at the two new life forms quickly squeaked after watching Vitani yawning and ran behind her mother.

"So...." Ellie started causing Sarabi to look up at her. "What did you decide to name them." A smile appeared on Sarabi's face.

"Vitani is the female, named after Diego's mother." Sarabi said gesturing to the cub that was snuggling closer towards Diego. Sarabi knee then and there that Vitani was going to be a daddy's girl.

"And the boy?" Ellie questioned with curiosity.

Sarabi looked down at her son with a soft expression, before looking up at Diego who nodded his head in encouragement. Looking back up at Ellie, Manny, Sid, Peaches, Crash and Eddie, a small soft smile appeared on her face as she looked down.



And there we have it laddies and gents, the end.
Still unsure of the name as I wanted to use either Kovu, Kopa or Simba but I think it's fitting.

What do you all think was it a good chapter to end this book fully? Or would you wanted it to be different?

Were you expecting twins or just a single cub for Sarabi and Diego?

Alright my sweets that is all that I have time for, I shall see you in my other books or maybe in the next Ice Age book

As you already know by now (why does it sound like I'm trying to make an outro for a YouTube video 🙃)
stay awesome/beautiful/handsome and have an amazing day/night/evening wherever you are
Love you all 😘💖

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