Chapter Two

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Yeah.... So am a shit author.... oof. I'm sorry for the long wait and I'm sorry that I promised a chapter to you and didn't post when needed, I ended up deleting what I didn't want but ended up putting it back in and then I got distracted with Twitch and yeah.... I also lost my voice so thats also fun nor

So without further ado, here is Chapter Two


"So when are you and Diego going to be having cubs?" Sid asked as he nudged Sarabi's shoulder with a little smirk on his face.

"You too?" Sarabi gasped as she looked over at the sloth. Shaking her head, Sarabi let out a small sigh. "To be honest with you, Sid. I don't think cub's are on his mind at the moment." Sarabi sighed causing Sid to look at her in confusion.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sid questioned placing a clawed hand on Sarabi's shoulder.

"He's been distant lately and out of it." Sarabi tried to explain, thinking back to a couple of nights ago waking up and seeing Diego sitting at the entrance of their cave.

"Oh, he's probably scared!" Sid dismissed as he gently pushed Sarabi towards where he just saw Manny and Ellie. "Now come one, let's go check out Manny's surprise." Sid said excitedly as he went ahead.

"Oh what am I going to do." Sarabi giggled slightly before she winced in pain. Panting slightly she looked to her stomach and wondered why she could be experiencing these pains.

Shaking it off, Sarabi quickly caught up with Sid. Ignoring the stomach pains as she did.

Walking into the little area, Sarabi couldn't help but to let out a gasp of shock and awe. She couldn't believe Manny made all of this just for his baby, a smile was  placed on her face as she looked around at the playground.

"I made it myself. Our family." Manny said as he walked over to where Ellie was looking at his handmade ornament.

As they both walked away, Sarabi couldn't help but to let a tear escape her as she looked at the ice ornament it was even more beautiful in person then what Manny was describing to her.

"Hey why aren't I up there? Or Sara?" Sid questioned sadly as he took a glance at Sarabi before looking back at the ornament.

"You can be on ours." Crash said as he held up his own ornament.

"You'd fit right in." Eddie said with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks." Sid said, with a hesitant smile on his face.

"Why are you crying mum?" Eddie questioned once he noticed Sarabi's sad expression.

"I'm just happy, ya know?" Sarabi sniffled with a small smile on her face as she looked at the three males. "Manny's finally getting the family that he deserves." Sarabi finished as she looked over towards Manny with a fond smile. "Come on you guys lets go." Sarabi said as she started to walk away.

Both Crash and Eddie ran after Sarabi and jumped onto her back as she walked next to Ellie, who looked down at her sister-in-law with a fond smile. 

"You look different." Ellie spoke causing Sarabi to look up at Ellie with confusion. 

"How?" Sarabi asked curiously as she continued to walk besides Ellie.

"I can't quite figure it out." Ellie groaned out as she looked down at Sarabi with an apologetic smile.

"It's okay Ellie. It will come to you at some point." Sarabi smiled reassuringly at her.

"Come on Sid." Sarabi and Ellie heard Manny say causing the two females to stop walking and turn around and look back and saw Kid about to touch a SnowSloth. "I don't want you touching anything. This place is for kids. Are you a kid?" Manny questioned as he moved a log, causing Ellie and Sarabi to look at each other, both rolling their eyes playfully. "Don't answer that." Manny finished.

"Diego there you are. You missed the big surprise." Manny said once he noticed Diego walking into view as he put the log into place, blocking off the playground. 

"Oh, right, right. I'll check it out later." Diego said distractedly as he walked away.

"Okay. See ya!" Manny yelled out not noticing Diego's behavior.  

"You know I think there's something bothering Diego." Ellie said as she watched Diego walking away.

"No I'm sure everything's fine." Manny said.

"You should talk to him." Ellie said.

"Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems." Manny said as he looked at Ellie. "We just punch each other on the shoulders." Manny said as he lightly hit Ellie's shoulder.

"That's stupid!" Ellie said after looking at the spot Manny slightly hit.

"To a girl but for a guy that's like six months of therapy." Manny explained causing Ellie to roll her eyes and gave Manny a look.

"Okay Okay I'm going." Manny caved as he walked away.

~A Lil Mini Time Skip: Brought to you by the fact that Scatt never got his nut~

"So?" Ellie questioned as she walked up with Sarabi by her side.

"That's why guys don't talk to guys." Manny said causing Sarabi and Ellie to look confused.

"Why? What happened?" Ellie questioned as she looked from Sarabi to Diego then to Manny then back to Diego.

"Diego's leaving." Manny said with a sad voice as he looked from Sarabi and saw that she had a look of surprise on her face and couldn't help but to get even more angry remembering what Diego said.

"What about Sarabi?" Manny questioned with an angered expression.

Diego could only sigh as he thought about Manny's question.

"You're just going to leave and not tell her!" Manny growled in annoyance causing Diego to sigh.

Manny couldn't take it anymore and just left Diego, standing on the rock. Ignoring as Sid tried to play peacemaker.

{ Author's Notes }

So I'll be leaving this here. *sips tea*

What do you guys think? Did I do good? What do you think is wrong with Sarabi? Be that in mind I'm not saying anything at all.

Sorry that this took a long time 

Well until next time guys, I shall see you next chapter

Stay awesome and beautiful/handsome 💋

Ice Age: The EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora