Chapter Four

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Oh hey der! How's it going? 
It's been so long since I've last seen yous!!!!!
Are ye glad that a chapter is up? Cause I am > . < about freaking time too.

*sighs sadly* am truly sorry that yall had to wait almost an entire month, I've just being fighting this stupid virus protector not letting me use online websites to even watch movies, but I finally managed to get it today.

So without further ado..... I present chapter four


As Ellie was taking Sarabi back to her cave, they could hear screaming which caused them to stop in their tracks and look to their left where they heard the noise.

"What's that?" Ellie questioned confused as she started walking closer towards the edge.

"That kind of sounds like Sid." Sarabi said confused as she walked next to Ellie.

Gasping in shock and surprise when they both saw a single egg falling from a cliff. With fast thinking, Ellie dashed over to a sturdy tree and wrapped her tail around the branch and leaned over the edge and held out her trunk to catch the egg just in time before it went splat.

Sarabi released a breath of air, that she didn't even know that she was holding and went over towards Ellie and looked up, just in time to see Sid falling backwards, most likely passed out.

Not even a few minutes later, Sid came down carrying two more eggs. This caused Sarabi to tilt her head in confusion as she felt something stir in her heart, when she saw Sid coming into view.

"Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Sid exclaimed as he put down the two eggs and grabbing the one from Ellie. "Bad egg, rotten egg. A heart attack you almost gave me." Sid scolded as he looked down at the egg. Manny and Sarabi could only look at each other with a 'really' look. "Ohh I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much." Sid then hugged the egg, confusing Sarabi even more.

"Now, I want you to meet you uncle, Manny and your aunts Ellie and Sarabi." Sid introduced as looked at the three animals in front of him.

"Hi." Ellie cooed as Sarabi hesitantly stepped forwards and mumbled a small 'hi'.

"Hello." Sid said in a high pitch voice causing Sarabi to giggle. 

Manny couldn't help himself but to smile a little bit. Glad that his sister isn't feeling so down. But, a frown couldn't help but to overtake his features as he looked at Sid.

"I'd like to present, Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko." Sid spoke making Sarabi tilt her head in confusion.

"Sid, whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea!" Manny spoke up, making Sarabi to look over at her brother.

"Shh! My kids will hear you." Sid said as he placed his clawed hands over the eggs.

"They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back." Manny said as he picked up and egg and gave it to Sid. "You're not meant to be a parent." Manny said, causing Sarabi to stare wide eye at her brother.

"Why not?" Sid almost cried as he felt his heart break in two.

"First sign: stealing someone else's eggs." Manny said as he picked up the second egg and held it in the air before giving it to Sid, before picking up the last one. "Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet." Manny finished as he gave the last one to Sid.

"Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them." Ellie said trying to make sense of the situation in hand.

"No, they were underground, in ice." Sid said as he struggled to hold the weight of all three eggs. "If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles." Sid struggled as the egg almost fell on the ground before Sid caught it with his foot.

"Sid, I know what your going through. You're gonna have a family too someday." This caused Sid to light up almost like a christmas tree. "You're gonna meet a nice girl, with... with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell..." Sid then couldn't help but to frown making Sarabi frown as well.

'That wasn't really nice of Manny.' She thought as she looked from Sid to Manny.

"What Manny means to say is.." Ellie started as she cut off Manny, but Sid was having none of it.

"No, I get it. I'll take them back." Sid said as he hopped to a piece of bark that Sarabi didn't see before. "You have your family and I'm better off alone. By myself." That caused something to stir in Sarabi's chest as she too now is alone. "A fortress of solitude." As he started to skate away with the eggs. "In the ice, forever!" He then disappeared around a rock before stopping and poked his head back. "Alone, lonely loner..."

"That's a lot of aloners." Manny said as the three still looked in the same direction Sid left in.

"Precisely!" Sid shouted back, making Sarabi tilt her head.

"Sid, wait." Ellie shouted as she stepped forward.

"No, no, it's ok." Manny said causing Ellie to stop and look at the male. "He'll bounce back, it's one of the advantages of being Sid." Manny said as he turned around and started walking away, leaving Ellie and Sarabi to look at the spot where they last saw Sid in sadness.

"Come on Ells. Let's go home." Sarabi mumbled sadly, causing Ellie to sigh and look down at her sister in sadness before letting out a sigh at started to walk away, with Sarabi following close behind.




So..... what did yall think? Sorry that this chapter is smol, but next chapter is where it gets good.

How do you think Sarabi is gonna handle now knowing that Diego has "left"?

That's all the time I have for now, sweets since I really wanted to get this chapter out for you guys.

Until next time guys, I shall see you next chapter

Stay awesome and beautiful/handsome 💋

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