Chapter One

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Welcome to the first official Book 3 chapter!!!!! I hope you have enjoyed what you have read so far and are excited to read what's about to come in the following chapters!

Also the last chapter the update schedules don't worry about the coming soon books. I'm going to be mainly focusing on this book and my 'Take My Breath Away' book.

Now enough of this and let's get on with the first ever chapter 😊


(whole book will be written in Third Person's POV unless I state otherwise.)

"Tell me, Sarabi." Ellie started as she and Sarabi were taking a walk around while Manny was off having a panic attack thinking the baby was coming. "What was Manny like before." Ellie questioned as she looked down at her friend.

Sarabi mid-step stopped as she blinked confusedly up at her friend, wondering where this was coming from.

"Where is this coming from?" Sarabi questioned confused not knowing what brought Ellie to say something like this.

"I mean, even though it has been years but I uh, I uh...." Ellie stuttered as she tried to get out what she was thinking. "Manny's first child!" Ellie exclaimed causing Sarabi's eyes to widen in shock at her sudden burst of excitement.

"Oh...." Sarabi then had a thinking face, trying to remember how Manny was like back then. "You know how he is?" Sarabi questioned causing Ellie to nod as she looked at her friend. "He's still the same as he was back then, but if not more worried, ya know?" Sarabi questioned with a small smile as she looked up at her friend.

"Really?" Ellie questioned shocked at the female Sabre next to her. "He's more worries?" 

"Ellie, he doesn't want a repeat, he's a good father. He just...." Sarabi sighed sadly as she shook her head. "Let's not worry about the past, okay. Let's focus on now and your future." Sarabi said smiling causing Ellie to slightly giggle.

"So when are you and Diego going to have cubs?" Ellie randomly said causing Sarabi to look up with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I dunno, Diego and I haven't even spoken about it that much." Sarabi mumbled as she continued to walk with Ellie. 'If only you knew.' Sarabi thought to herself.

"Well-" Ellie started to say but was cut off by the sound of a thud and groaning, causing Ellie and Sarabi to sigh simultaneously as they walked over in the direction.

As both females entered the clearing, Sarabi couldn't help but to snort in amusement as Manny had a shell covering his head and Sid stuck to Manny's butt. But, Sarabi got worried, where were Crash and Eddie?

"Ellie! Ellie! Where are you? Where am I?" Manny panicked as he stumbled around.

"Manny!" Ellie spoke up causing Manny to gasp and turn around, making Sid fall off. "I told you! It was just a kick." Ellie said softly as her trunk went to her stomach.

"Oh..." Manny started as he took off the shell from his head. 

'So that's where the two brothers were.' Sarabi thought with amusement as she watched the two brothers slide from Manny's eyes and down onto the ground.

"Right.... Oh wow!" Manny said as he got lower to be eye level to Ellie's stomach. "Oh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly. Daddy fall down cliff and go boom boom boom. Silly daddy!" Manny childishly spoke causing Sarabi to clear her throat making Manny notice the crowd that was looking at him.

"Uh, sorry folks. False alarm. It was just a kick." Manny said causing the other animals to groan in annoyance.

"Do you know who I want to kick?"

"That's the third false alarm this week."

"All right show's over..." Sid started as he walked towards a beaver. "break it up break it up!" Sid then noticed the female.

'This is not going to end well.' Sarabi thought as she watched the scene in front of her.

"Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?" Sid cooed as he patted the females stomach.

"I'm not pregnant!" The female beaver scoffed before hitting Sid in the head with the stick before walking away.

"Too bad. You'd make a wonderful mother." Sid groaned.

Sarabi, Crash and Eddie giggled when they watched the female throw her stick at Sid causing him to fall over, groaning.

"Manny I know you're excited. I am too." Ellie started causing Manny to smile. "But you're getting a little carried away." Ellie said remembering her earlier conversation with Sarabi.

"Okay okay.... Boy you're starting to sound like Diego." Manny said.

After a few moments Manny looked around before looking down at Sarabi. "Wait a second... Where is Diego?" Manny questioned causing Sarabi to shrug her shoulders.

"I dunno." She said causing everyone to look at her in confusion. "What? He's probably hunting anyways." Sarabi shrugged as she walked away.

{ Author's Notes }

Well I will be leaving it here. 

So how did I do? What did you think?

It's short but I kind of wanted to get a chapter out as soon as possible for you guys to enjoy.

Well until next time guys, I shall see you next chapter 

Stay awesome and beautiful/handsome 💋

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