Chapter 36

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Me and Jug get to school and immediately both of our phones get a notification from Betty saying to come to the blue and gold room. "Is that still happening?" I ask, "apparently, yes." Jug replies. He looks over at me and smirks.

God damn I love him so much

I smile back as he takes my hand and leads me through the crowded hallway until we get to the blue and gold.

We walk in the classroom to see Betty walking around, obviously in her own world.

Betty is so perfect. You'll never be as good and as beautiful as she is.

I shake my head trying to rid my brain of my depressing thoughts. Recently I haven't really had time to worry about my mental health so my depression has just been building up and I've been pushing it away but it's really getting to me. I have the urge to self harm, to stop eating, to skip school and do drugs....

I don't, though. I stay strong...if that's what you wanna call it. Really all I'm doing is denying my brain and the horrible things it tells me every second I'm alive.

"Y/n...Y/n!" Jughead calls. "What? Oh, sorry. I was just lost in my mind I guess..." I say looking down. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asks, "Yup! I'm fine, Betty...what did you Uh....wanna talk about?" I ask with a painted on smile.

She walks over to a board with names with pictures attached to strings and different articles or random words like 'guilty' and 'alibi'

"So I'm assuming this is what you guys have been up to for the past few months. Fill me in." I say detaching my hand from Jughead's and sitting on the table that was next to the board.

Me and Betty have been civil recently but that doesn't mean I hate her any less, it just means I tolerate her to prevent drama.

"Yeah, okay so...I know this looks a bit...suspicious but-" "it looks like a murder board. Not suspicious at all." I say cutting Betty off, sarcasm in my voice.

"It's just people who we think could be...associated to Jason's murder." Jughead says as he walks over to me and stands next to where I was sitting. Betty also comes up and stands on the other side of me.

"I see..." I say, "so who can we rule out?" Jughead asks, "My dad; we know why he was acting so shady." Betty says taking down her dads name and picture. "Hermione" She continues, "Yeah" Jughead says quietly. "Veronica says she's guilty of plenty, but not murder." Betty says,

"Plus, wasn't she in New York at the time of the murder?" I ask, "Yeah. Which means she also has an alibi. Further proving that it wasn't her." Betty says.

Jughead sighs, "So that just leaves Hiram Lodge-" "and Clifford and Penelope Blossom" Betty says finishing Jughead's sentence.

Just then Alice Cooper walks in. She looks at the board and sighs. "Well, you three can't leave well enough alone can you?" She says and I roll my eyes. "Mom, look we know what you're going to say." "The police found another dead body." Alice blurts out. "Okay, maybe not that." Jughead says surprised.

"A Southside Serpent and Sheriff Clueless is convinced that he was working with your father. He allegedly committed suicide by overdose, and there was a bag of money on-site that links him to Hiram Lodge. Everything is tied up into a nice little bow. Too tidy, if you ask me." Alice says.

All of the sudden my phone goes off. "It's Kevin." I say and pick it up,

(On the phone)

"Hey Kev, what's up?"

"Hey, can you meet me by outside of Fox forest? Its about Jughead's Dad."

"Yeah. We'll be righty there."

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