Chapter 3

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As me and Jug finish our coffee we start to talk about the murder of Jason Blossom, I knew that Juggie had been writing about it and I had told him I wanted to be the first one to read it but we hadnt really actually talked about it before. As we were talking about some of the things that just didnt quite add up I got a call. "Kevin?" "Hey y/n can you please meet me at the sheriffs station its important" His voice was shaking and I could tell he was really scared

"Yeah of course bud I will see you there" I say as I end the call. "Jug I gotta go Kev needs me and he sounded scared." I say "You can stay here if you want I will come and get you after, or you could come with I dont care." I say "I should probably stay here, I mean you said he sounded scared so it might be serious and I dont want to bug him if he only wants you there" He says "Okay well I will see you later to pick you up then" I say kissing his forehead. "Be safe" He says.


"Kevin?" I say as I walk into the sheriffs station. I see him shaking and standing next to his dad. "Y/n thank god youre here, Im freaking out." He says. I hug him, "Kev whatever it is we can figure it out together its gonna be okay" I say. "Y/n I just found Jason Blossoms body with a gunshot in the head" he says. His words echo and travel around the sheriff station almost trying to taunt us. "Oh my god Kevin are you okay?" I ask, "Well Im shaken up I feel like Im in an episode of criminal minds" Kevin says.

"Listen you didnt do anything wrong Kev so besides the visuals youre gonna be fine" I say. "Yeah, thats what my dad keeps saying but I cant get the image of Jasons limp body out of my head" he says, "well you could always get drunk?" I say "Ms. L/n!" Sheriff Keller says. "It was just a joke calm down, I make jokes when Im scared." I say "so any idea why Jason had a bullet in his head?" I say, "We cant think of any possible reason why unless Cheryl was lying about her story, Hey y/n can you bring Kevin home? His work here is done" Sheriff Keller says "Yes. Of course" I say. "Alright well you try and get some sleep boy, its been a rough night" Sheriff Keller says to Kevin. "Okay dad" Kevin says, I was surprised to hear that Kevin hadnt made a reference to a movie/actor or said anything else back to his dad.

We left the Sheriffs station in silence. I could tell that if I started talking Kevin wouldnt be able to answer without crying.


We walked up to Kevins front door and he got the key from under that mat. We went him and he sat on the couch while I got him a glass of water. As I was walking into the kitchen I saw a room of to the side, I figured it was a bathroom or something and I figured I should splash my face with water or something hoping it would make me feel a little better. I slowly opened the door to find out that it wasnt a bathroom it was a murder board room. I assume it was Sheriff Kellers office but all I saw as I walked in was the murder board on the back wall.

It had strings attached to pins with pictures of possible suspects. I would have stayed in longer but I was afraid of Kevin finding me snooping around and so I quickly shut the door and went to go get Kevin some water.


"Here Kev" I say handing him a glass of water. "I should go, I have to go bring Jughead home do you need anything else?" I say "No you can go but thank you for bringing me home and stuff, I was really scared" He says "Yeah of course, anything for my best friend" I say hugging him. "Im gonna lock you in" I say as I leave still with the pictures of that murder board in my head.


I walk into pops thinking that I would see our booth with Jughead typing away in it but when I get closer to the booth I see red hair sitting on the opposite side of Jug. Because of what had just happened my mind was still thinking about Jason and so when I saw that red hair the first thing I thought of was Jason Blossom, he was alive and was talking to my boyfriend Jughead Jones, but I quickly realized that the hair was Archies and riverdale still was a town of death.

When I stopped thinking of those awful things then I began to think wait why is Archie sitting a booth with Jughead, they hadnt talked since the summer when they were supposed to go on a road trip but Archie bailed.

"Hey guys um, am I interrupting anything?" I ask, "no we were just having a friendly conversation" Jughead says "Anyways, whatever happened just talk to her, itll go a long way, wouldve gone a long way with me" Jug finishes. "Thanks Jughead" Archie says, getting up "I will see you later y/n" He says as he leaves pops. "What was that all about?" I ask. "Well apparently Betty is missing but I think they have it under control" Jug says. "Are you sure they got this?" I ask. "Ya Im pretty sure," Jug says. "Okay well Im tired so I think Im gonna go home do you need a ride?" I ask No..." He says "Okay jug whats up with you. We used to hang out in Sunnyside trailer park all the time, now you dont even want me to bring you there. I know you something is wrong." I say.

"Well I was wondering if I could stay at your house, just for tonight though." He says. "Ya of course Jug," I say. I get up, pay Pop and we leave, hands intertwined.


I text my mom on the way home and ask if Jughead could stay the night, she said "of course he can but he is sleeping on the couch" We get to my house and I show to....well the couch. "Hey do you mind if I use your shower?" He asks, "Jug our house is your house" I say with a smile. I go down to my room and immediately pass out on my bed.


"Wake up sleepy head" Jug says slightly shaking my shoulder. "Ughhhh" I say as I get up. Jug leaves so I could get dressed, I decide on a shirt with a big S on it, (yes me and Jug have matching S shirts) And a big black baggy sweater with light blue jeans. I make my way up the stairs and Jug has cereal ready for us, he is already almost finished with his. My mom had already left for work. "Yum thanks Juggie" I say as I start to eat.

"you look beautiful as always" he says. "well thank you, such a romantic you are" I say in a British accent which makes him laugh, and even though we just started dating I began to think about our life if we got married. It was hard not to because I mean we were kind of acting like we were married, our relationship was different felt like we had been together for years, probably because We have known each other for so long and we know everything about each other...I try and get those thoughts out of my head as we finish breakfast and leave to go hang out at Archie's house.

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