chapter 6

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1,663 words

Tragedy had my life in so many ways that I had almost forgot how to feel happiness that night. Me and Jug sat hugging in the parking lot of pops for what felt like hours. "we should get back to the hospital" Jug says, breaking the perfect moment. "No, I'm NOT going back into that hospital. At least not tonight." I say. "Jug can you come back to my house with me tonight. I don't think I want to be alone." I continued as a single tear rolled down my face. "Of course" he says. We walked back to my truck, holding hands. We drove to my house still holding hands. In silence. Comfortable silence.


I unlocked my door and me and Juggie walked in slowly. "Hello sweetheart, I hope your mother knows you're bringing boys home at this hour" I look in front of me and see a man with a familiar voice. My fathers voice. He steps forward slightly, Jughead quickly and protectively steps in front of me. "what's with the sour faces, you remember me don't you y/n?" my father says. "y/n who is this guy?" Jughead whispers to me. "How could I ever forget a monster like you?!?! Jug meet Donald. My horrible, insanely abusive, father." I say. Jughead gasps "You need to leave. Now." Jug says. "What are you gonna do about it little scum bag. I mean you were the one who came home at 11 pm with my slut daughter. What were you two planning on doing exactly?" Donald says getting closer to us.

Just then Jughead punches him so hard  he falls to the ground. Jughead leans over him. "Don't. Come. Back. EVER." Jughead says. My father gets up and heads for the door. "I will be back. Sleep with one eye open y/n" he says and spits on our floor before walking out, slamming the door. "I HATE YOU" I scream as loud as I can as he slams the door. I collapse on the ground sobbing. Jughead runs over hugging me as we sit on my kitchen floor.

We sit there for a minute or two until I get up. "y/n what are you doing?" Jug says following me as I run to my room. "You heard him Jughead! He's coming back!! And I'm gonna be gone when he does!" I say grabbing as many clothes that I can stuff into my backpack. I go the fridge and put as much food I can stuff into my backpack.

I grab my computer, chargers, toothbrush and hairbrush. "Now I look for a place to sleep" I say. "Wait y/n, I know where you can stay." He says. "That would be great Jug!" I say. We get in the car. Jughead got in the drivers seat And started to drive. "Jug what would I do without you." I say. "you would have figured it out. You're strong y/n" he says. I kiss him on the cheek as we continue to drive for about 5 minutes until we get to the drive in. "Jug why are we at the drive in?" I say, "you'll see soon enough." He says. We walk into the projection booth and I see a sleeping bag. "Jug, what's going on?" I say. "y/n I haven't been completely honest with you. I live here. And you can stay here with me." He says.

"Jug, I didn't think it was that bad with your dad...I'm so sorry." I say hugging him. He slowly wraps his hands around me. I feel a tear drop on my shoulder. "Jug, I'm here for you. I love you its okay. It'll be okay" I say. My breath hiccups as I start to cry for about the millionth time that night. I feel Jughead start to cry which is pretty rare.

All the sudden we are both sobbing in each others arms. Repeatedly telling each other how much we love each other. So much had been going on that it felt nice to let it all out...together. After crying for about 15 minutes we lay on the sleeping bag together holding hands. Yet again being completely silent as we drifted off to sleep


"Babe get up, its time for school" I say stroking his cheek. He wakes up and smiles at me. I was already dressed wearing a crop top and a tank top with ripped jeans. "Okay I will get up, but only because you want me to" he says smirking "how's your arm?" he continues "um it hurts" I say. "Let me see it." He says. "No its really okay you don't need to..." I say but he is already unwrapping the bandage.

"Oh my god y/n that looks pretty bad" he says as he continues to look at my arm. "Its really okay" I say starting to cover it up again "y/n maybe you should get that checked out," he says. "Jug seriously your over reacting its fine. I'm gonna go wait outside you get dressed." I say. "fine." He says as he takes my arm and spins me around kissing me quickly. "Jughead Jones. Such a romantic" I say smiling before heading out the door.


Me and Jug are sitting in the middle of another boring biology class, all sheriff Keller barges into the room along with principal Weatherbee. "You're here for me aren't you? Because of the autopsy" Cheryl says. "What the hell?" I whisper to Jug. "we don't have to do this in front of your classmates, Cheryl " Principal Weatherbee says. "Its all right, principal Weatherbee. They'll all find out soon enough." Cheryl says Wait Cheryl, find out what?" Veronica says. "That I'm guilty" Cheryl says. The room becomes silent as those 3 words echo in the room. Cheryl is taken by the sheriff and our teacher tries to continue like nothing had happened, even though nobody was listening.


We all sit in the student lounge as usual but I wasn't really listening to the conversation. something about us all being suspects or something. All the sudden Betty walks in with Kevin. I roll my eyes "Y/n please be nice" Jug whispers to me "Why should I? I'm furious. I hate her." I say. She comes in and sits down "Hey guys.." she says but gets little acknowledgement.

"we cant stay mad forever guys" Kevin says. "I sure as hell can" I say "y/n Kevin has a point" Veronica says "seriously?!" I say "listen I'm not defending betty like, at all but you have to cut her some slack we all make mistakes." Veronica continues "yes we do. But we don't all stab our friends in the back. And with everything that's going on in my life I cant h-handle t-this!" I say as I walk out. "y/n wait" Veronica says chasing after me. "y/n what's wrong? You know besides everything." she says. "Well Veronica besides everything my dad came back last night." I say. I see everyone waking up behind Veronica. "y/n I had no idea I'm so sorry" Betty says as she steps closer to me. "Oh like you would care!" I say. "Y/n of course I would care" she says as she steps over and puts her hand on my arm.

"Listen I know I have been a complete jerk and I don't deserve to be your friend but I was feeling rejected. Not only by Archie but by Jug and I didn't know how to handle it, but none of the things I said were remotely true or even how I feel about you AT ALL. So please give me a second chance." She says. I pull her into a hug. That's one problem solved in my problematic life.


Me and Jug were walking down the halls when Jug gets a text from betty. "Hey y/n Betty wants us to meet her at the blue and gold room." Jug says. "The old newspaper room?" I say, "Apparently" he says as he takes my hand down the hallway. We get to the  class room and open the door. "Hey guys!" Betty says. "Hey betty...can I ask what were doing here?" Jug says. "I know that we all just made up but I have a favor to ask." She says.

"Okay..." I say "I was wondering if you guys would start up the blue and gold again with me. Pleaseeee, you guys are the only people who would actually be good at this!!" she says "If print journalism is dead, what am I doing here?" Jug says. "The blue and gold isn't dead, its just dormant, but waking up. Your writing a novel about Jason's murder?" She asks

"He sure is," I say, "Riverdale's own in cold blood." He says. "which started out a series of articles. I was really hoping you two would come write with me for the Blue and gold" she says. "I don't think the schools paper is the right fit for my voice" Jug says. "Jason's death changed Riverdale. People don't want to admit it but its true we all feel it. Nothing this bad was ever supposed to happen here but it did and I want to know why." She says.

"I don't completely hate the idea Juggie." I say, my arm still around his. "Would I get complete artistic freedom?" Jug says. I'll help, and suggest, and edit but its your story! Your voice." She says "It doesn't sound like complete freedom" He says "no not all" I say getting a laugh out of Jughead.

"But I'm in" he says "Me to!" I say. Betty smiles "Okay great! In that case I have your first assignment. There's one person who was at the river on July 4th that no ones talking about" she says "Dilton." I say. "And his scouts.." Jughead says finishing my sentence. I smile at the fact that we are so connected we can actually finish each others sentences. "Exactly." She says as me and Jug walk out the door to find Dilton.

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