Shawn tilted his head in confusion as they arrived in the auditorium, which shockingly was filled to the brim with guests. "Whose she?"

The woman led him down a flight of stairs until he was sat at a booth with a table on his own, "You'll know when you see her." She winked before walking away, leaving Shawn to his confusion.

He glanced around the room trying to figure out if there was anyone else that knew what he didn't but all seemed to have poker faces on, nor was there any sight of Camila, so as the lights went down he was feeling just as confused as before.

He turned to the stage and watched curiously as three girls with blonde hair stepped forward onto the stage, not a sound was made in the auditorium as they waited for the performance to begin.

He was supposed to know one of these girls? He didn't know any blonde performers. He watched as the music started playing and the girl in the middle raised her microphone.

I'll try to pass the night away with somebody new
But they don't have a shot when I compare them to you
It's too late, too late
Baby, I know I'll never find you again
Find you again

He felt his heartstrings tug as she sang the words, 'find you again'. The voice sounded familiar, almost as if it were speaking directly to him and only him. He could only watch in awe as the girl continued to sing her song while performing an entrancing routine.

She stopped in her step as she turned to where he was sitting and made eye contact with him before continuing the next lyrics.

And I remember you told me
That we could work it all out, don't you worry
And now the tears in your eyes make it blurry
But if you say, "Try again", I'd be ready
I'm ready, yeah

And suddenly it clicked. He knew exactly who that blonde girl was, except she wasn't a blonde, she was wearing a wig.

And she was Camila.

She was in front of him on that stage, singing and dancing, performing to him. Camila was expressing their situation to everyone in the room and he desperately wanted to run over to her at that point and shout out loud and clear that he was ready.

A smile tugged at his lips as he watched, enamoured with the beauty who he knew he was in love with, whether he would admit it or not he didn't know yet, but when Camila saw his smile, she smiled too, clearly knowing that she was breaking him down.

Then suddenly, a loud crash sounded and the music ceased as the doors to the theatre burst open and gunshots sounded. Screeches sounded in Shawn's ears as he dropped under the table to avoid the bullets being launched.

He was breathing heavily as he listened to the sounds and attempted to determine the precise time to leave when he felt a hand on his.

Shawn's head snapped down towards the hand, seeing perfectly manicured white nails and his eyes moved up her arm before his eyes landed on her face.

She stared at him fearful, her eyes big and wide with such an unfamiliar expression to him. He'd never seen as anything other than confident, or sad when he rejected her, but never scared, but clearly she knew what these people were here for and Shawn had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with her.

"Mila." He sighed softly as she moved closer to him. "I think you took too long." She murmured as a shot pinged off the table above their heads.

He shrugged, "Maybe so, but I know what I want now." He bent down slightly and gently kissed her cheek, with a tender swipe of her cheek before pulling away to watch her face flush red with shock.

"Really?" She whispered, struggling to make sense of what he was saying. "Really." He briefly smiled at her before shuffling towards the hanging cloth of the table and gently lifting it up, not looking back to see Camila's beaming face.

He dropped the cloth as he noticed one of the men about to turn in his direction and cursed as he racked his brain trying to find a way out, bringing a hand up to rub his temple as he failed.

Shawn was pulled out of his thoughts as hands wrapped around his torso and pulled him back, "I know what to do."

Despite his worries, he couldn't help but feel his body ease slightly, chuckling to himself, "Always one step ahead."

Quickly, Camila pulled the sheet up and ducked out from it, pulling Shawn after her, as the direction of the guns turned to face the stage as movement dashed across it.

Scurrying out, the pair rushed to the door to get out of the club, when a shot went off beside the doorway and pinging off the wall. Shawn whirled around to find one gunman had noticed their movement and had therefore redirected the attention to them.

Adjusting himself to stand in front of Camila, he pulled his gun out from his jacket pocket and without giving it a second thought shot at the man who had fired the warning shot.

The shot ripped through his arm, causing a screech to sound from the man as he fell back into the ground, distracted several men. A distraction that allowed Camila to wrench the door open and pull Shawn out with her.

Slamming it shut, she tugged him all the way over to his car before jumping in, screaming for him to drive. He didn't need telling twice as he stepped on the gas and pulled out of the theatre and eventually driving out of town.

"So, changed your mind?" Camila smirked, causing Shawn to let out a frustrated growl before pulling over and pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Yes. Now shut up and let me drive."

A/N: I take too long to write requests, I'm sorry. I have no time anymore😭

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