Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh just water for me, thank you" I said with a smile.

He nodded and took his wife's hand. Together they disappeared into the suited crowd. "Would you like to dance, my lady?" Erik asked, extending his hand.

I chuckled, taking his hand. "Why I thought you'd never ask" I said with a southern twang.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me onto the ballroom floor. Luckily, I knew enough about dancing to know how to keep up. We joined the dancers already on the floor and swayed to the music to begin with.

"So have you thought of any names?" Erik asked, as he slightly touched my baby bump.

"I have, would you like to hear them?" I asked, glancing up at him.

He smiled down at me. "Of course, I want to know what I'll be yelling when I have to get them off their phone," he said, still grinning.

"Well if it's a girl, I'm thinking Zoe or Kylie," I said, winding my hands behind his neck.

He nodded. "I like them," he said with a smile.

"And if it's a boy, we should name him after your father, that way he can be just as great as he was," I said, touching his cheek.

"That's a good idea, he could be a Junior," Erik said, as we continued to sway.

"Hmmm Oliver Jr? Doesn't have a ring to it," I replied, with a pout.

"What about Tony?" Erik asked with a grin.

"No, I am not naming my son after Tony Stark," I replied with a shake of my head.

Erik laughed. "But he was a superhero, and a CEO of Stark Enterprises," My childish man said.

I rolled my eyes. "Absolutely not," I said, before chuckling.

"Hey, sorry to cut in, but Ashleigh needs some help in the women's room, her dress is a problem apparently," Fabian's voice said as Erik and I pulled away.

I smiled. "Okay, now worries, see you soon" I said to Erik.

"Miss you already," he replied.

I let go of his hand and walked towards the female lavatory. Ashleigh was in front of the mirror, swearing under her breath. "What happened?" I asked, as I reached her.

She turned to face me. "Oh lord," I said as I noticed the red stain seep down the side.

"Some old woman just spilt her wine on me and my whole dress is sticking to me" Ashleigh said with a sigh.

I grabbed some hand towel and wet just a bit of the corner. "Well first thing is first, we need to get the red out. Luckily, you're dress is dark so it's really hard to see but we can do this," I said as I bent down.

I dabbed at her hip. Suddenly, the bathroom wobbled. "What was that?" Ash asked.

I straightened. My ears popped as another shake went through the room. I heard screaming. Moving to the bathroom door, I opened it and peeked out.

Suddenly, a loud boom echoed into the bathroom and I glanced at Ashleigh. Realisation crossed her face. "Get down!" She screamed, running for me.

She tackled me and we fell to the ground in a heap just as the doors the toilets blew open and smashed into the mirrors. Taps went off, spraying water everywhere. The whole wall where the toliets had been was gone and now it was just dust and rubble.

Ashleigh shielded me, as we cowered in the doorway back to the ballroom. It was choas, and people were running everywhere. I swear I heard my name being yelled but another boom went off, blasting any other sound from my ears.

The noise was incredible, leaving a deafening ringing in my ears. Smashed tiles flew around the room, cutting into our soft skin.

Opening my eyes, I saw a woman lying face down, her head surrounded by blood like a halo.  Concrete littered around her. She must have been smashed in the head.

"We have to go!" Ashleigh exclaimed, pulling at my arms.

Every part of my body hurt and all I could think about was Erik. Did he get out?

Ashleigh helped me up and we struggled over the big debris. Emerging from the now smashed ballroom, we collasped on the steps.

Blue and red lights filled up the air and an ambulance man reached us. "Is she hurt?" He yelled at Ashleigh.

"I don't know!" She yelled back.

The ringing in my ears would not go away. The man in uniform helped me up and walked me to one of the vans. "Take her to the hospital and get both of them checked for concussion!" The man yelled.

There were three other people in the van. As the man helped me sit, I noticed the blood on my legs.

"I think I got cut," I whispered to Ashleigh.

She looked down at my legs and nodded. "It's going to be okay, I'm here" she said, taking my hand.

I hadn't seen Erik and I wanted to make sure he was okay. I wanted to make sure that he was alive.

Because he was alive. Right?


I said y'all would hate me on my profile.

Am I correct?

Hehehe gosh I'm so evil.
Next chapter is going to be even more evil.

Hold onto your hats ladies and gents. It's all downhill from here.

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, tavana oh na na xoxoxox

Assistant to the Billionaire ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora