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"Avi, please!" He exclaimed as I turned away.

"Mr Rycroft, I'm here to make sure you don't hurt yourself, nothing else," I replied, stiffly.

Erik straightened his back. "You're here because my brother asked you to talk to me?" He asked, as if he knew that's what exactly happened.

"Yes," I replied.

"So you're not here because you care about me?"

"Of course I care about you, Mr Rycroft, I was your colleague for a long time," I said, looking anywhere but his face.

"Colleague?" He echoed.

I locked my jaw. "Where's you medical kit?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Medical kit?" He asked.

"Bandages, bandaids, etc" I corrected.

"In the kitchen, why?" He asked, still confused.

I gestured to his hand.

"What no?! If you think I'm going to let you bandage me up, you're delusional, besides I couldn't give a rats arse about my hand, that's the least of my pain!" He exclaimed.

I sighed. "Sit down, and shut up," I ordered as I brushed past him.

He caught my elbow, eliciting a hiss as he moved his damaged hand. I swung around, from the force of being stopped. Facing him, he let go of my arm. "I don't need babysitting, Aviana," he said firmly.

"Clearly," I replied, gesturing to the wall.

"I was angry," he replied.

"Let me just put a bandage on your hand so you can stop bleeding all over the place," I said.

He looked away, letting me move into the kitchen. "I seriously wonder why you're here, unless your need to save everyone overpowers your absolute hatred for me right now," he said as he sat down on his lounge.

I grabbed his kit, closing the doors a bit too hard.  "I don't hate you, hate is such a strong word," I replied as I knelt in front of him.

I took his hand and dabbed a cloth over the kunckles, making him hiss. "Than what do you feel towards me of not hatred?" He asked, as he watched me work.

"Disappointment mostly, a small inkling of resentment, a dash of confusion, did you want me to keep going?" I asked looking up at him.

He shook his head. "I guess I deserve it," he replied, wincing as I pressed down on his knuckles too hard.

I wanted to work in silence but all I could keep thinking about was that woman in his office. Before I knew it, Erik had cupped my cheek.

Without realising it, I had started to silently cry as I bandaged his hand. "I'm sorry, Avi" he started.

I shook my head, not wanting to hear it.

"You have to let me explain, please?" He begged.

"You've already explained," I replied, pulling back and admiring my handwork.

I stood up, turning away but Erik caught my hand. I sighed.

"No, I haven't, I did a stupid and foolish thing, and when I tried to correct it, I hadn't realised the damage I had caused," he said, moving to the edge of his lounge.

"Please Avi, talk to me," he said, closing his eyes and he rested his forehead on my arm.

The burning questions just seemed to spill out, at that point.

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