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My phone wouldn't stop ringing and eventually I turned it off, silencing the constant ringtone. Quite honestly, I didn't want to speak to him, or anyone.

I knew that eventually he would come knocking on my door, but I wished quietly, that he would just leave me alone to my thoughts.

Betrayal, anger and frustration filled me up. I had believed him, believed we'd be together. Quitting my job, and letting the chips fall where they may was a mistake and not one I will be making again.

I was already on my laptop, looking for work. Plenty of big businesses needed personal assistants, and I was pretty damn good at my job.

My sister was asking me to spend time with my niece but I wasn't in the mood to gey disapproving glances from my father or watch my sister and her happy little family.
Not after my dreams of family were crushed into a thousand tiny pieces.

I spent the day eating ice cream, bingewatching Game of Thrones and occasionally taking a huge sip from the bottle of red wine I had nestled between my thighs. Honestly, I was fine with being alone.

Being alone is what I was good at and I was certainly doing it long before I met Erik.


Even the name made me want to scoop a huge chunk of cookies and cream ice cream into my mouth. How did he ruin me so?

I was on season three of Game of Thrones when someone knocked on my door. "Go away!" I yelled out, in case it was Erik.

"It's Janice, Aviana," a woman's voice replied.

I sort of rolled off the couch and used the walls to stand upright as I walked towards the front door. I peeked through the hole in case she had betrayed me and was on his side.

I opened the door clumsily, hitting myself with the hard wood when I failed to move back quick enough. "Oh my lord," Janice gasped out, looking at my disgruntled state.

"Hey, Janine, what do you want?" I asked, leaning on the door frame.

"I mean the whole office heard your shouting match and I wanna know if you're okay," she replied, looking concerned.

"Me? Oh I'm fine!" I replied in a high pitched voice.

Janice winced. "Aviana, darling, you're wearing an entire bowl of ice cream, you're not okay," she breathed out, sounding still shocked.

"Honestly, I've never felt better, Janine!" I exclaimed before burping.

"My name is Janice and you're not okay," she replied.

"I'm perfect, totally happy, totally didn't just get used by a super hot asshole," I said, grinning widely.

"Oh darling.." Janice trailed off.

"Look, I appreciate you coming here, Janice but I'm fine, I honestly should have seen it coming," I said, giving an nonchalant shrug.

A car roar interrupted our conversation as a black '69 mustang pulled into my driveway. "Shit!" I exclaimed, before stepping back and slamming the door.

"Aviana!" Erik's voice yelled.

I turned the lock and pressed my back against the wooden door. "Hey! Get off her lawn!" Janice yelled.

"I have to speak with her!" He said loudly.

"I think you've said enough, she doesn't want to speak to you, go away" Janice replied.

"I'd like to hear that from her, because Avi has never asked anyone to speak for her" he argued back.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the door.

"So help me god, Mr Rycroft, leave her alone, you've hurt her enough!" Janice snapped.

I got up, on my feet and yanked the door open as Janice and Erik stared each other down.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you," I said firmly before gesturing to Janice to come inside.

"Avi, you have to let me explain!" He exclaimed.

I shook my head. "I don't have to do anything, you almost had me, I almost believed that you loved me and wanted to spend a life with me and you played me like a fool!" I snapped.

Erik started forward, catching my wrist as I attempted to turn around to go back inside. "Avi, please, hear me out!" He pleaded.

"Fine, give me your best excuse," I replied, pulling my hand out of his grip.

"Melissa and I are very old friends, we grew up together and we dated like a month or whatever but it was a very long time ago and I don't feel anything for her," he rushed out.

I scoffed. "My brother had the hots for her, and she was like my childhood crush, Melissa did everything in her power to make Jared and I fight over her, eventually we both lost interest and she left town," he continued.

"So you're telling me, you have no feelings for her?" I asked, honestly.

"None whatsoever," he replied.

"Than why the hell were you going to meet up for drinks and why the hell was she in your office today?" I asked, not caring if my jealousy showed.

"Because you had my phone and I had to tell her that I was calling our get together off, I woke up this morning with you in my arms and it was the happiest I had ever been!" Erik exclaimed.

I scoffed again.

"Avi, I love you so god damn much, I'm afraid if I stop telling you than my heart will just burst out of my chest, Melissa is the past, the very very distant past but you, Avi, you're my future!" He said, holding out his hands together.

A war raged within me.

Do I forgive him? Do I believe in his story? Do I make him pay for the pain he put me through.

I swallowed.

"How can I believe anything you say?" I asked, holding my head up high.

Erik's face fell. "You believe it because it's the honest truth and you love me," hereplied, quietly.

My jaw locked. "I'm sorry Erik, I can't take that risk," I replied before stepping back and closing my front door.


Should she forgive him so easily?
Does his explanation count for anything?

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I'd really love it if you nominated me, for any one of my stories that you happen to like/love.

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On another note,
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Lots of love, tavana xoxoxo

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