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"Here drink this," Janice said, handing me a cup of coffee.

I reached out and grabbed it before staring back at the wall. Janice sat beside me, glancing at me every now and again.

"Are you okay?" She asked, startling me.

I looked at her. "No," I replied, my voice breaking.

Her face softened. "I'm sorry Avi, you deserve better than this," she said sadly.

"Maybe, or maybe I do deserve this, maybe God is punishing me for something I did," I replied, leaning forward and placing the coffee on the table.

"Punishing you? What could you have possibly done that would make God punish you?" Janice asked, watching me as I stood up.

"I don't know! But I'm hoping that's the reason because I can't think of any other possible explanation as too why Erik just told me he loved me, and then I find texts from an old ex and find her in his office the next day!" I screamed out.

Janice sighed. "You know, you never told me that you guys had become an item," she said, probably trying to distract me.

"I didn't want to tell anyone, I was still working as his assistant and that Mr Smithers guy was snooping around, I didn't want to lose my job!" I exclaimed.

Janice frowned. "And then Erik says to me, oh hey if you quit, I'll take care of you and we can be together because I love you so much and then look what happens!"

"That's why he fired you?" Janice asked, standing up also.

I wiped my eyes, smudging my black mascara more. "Stupid right? To think that I could be someone that someone wants to take care of?" I asked before crying again.

"Hey, no that's not stupid, Avi, there is someone out there who wants to take care of you, who wants to see your smile and hear your laughter and you'll find him, I promise!" Janice exclaimed, standing up.

Her phone dinged and she fished it out of her pocket. "It's my brother, I'm supposed to meet him for lunch, do you want to come?" Janice asked, looking up at me.

"No, it's okay, I'm a mess right now," I replied, sitting down on one of my stools.

"Maybe coming out and not thinking about him will help," she said, giving me a worried look.

I shook my head. "I've never worked like that, I just need to sit down and sort out my emotions, to push them all in a box and throw it away," I replied, wiping under my eyes.

"That doesn't sound healthy," Janice replied with a frown.

"No, but I need to just forget him, start again, I need to look for a new job," I replied as I reached for my laptop.

She stopped me. "And you can do that, later, after you've had a bit of fun with Jack and I," she said, giving me a stern look.

I sighed. "Okay," I replied, not fully onboard but realising she was right.

"I'll go get dressed," I added, standing up.

"Me too, so I'll be back in half an hour to pick you up, you better be ready," she said quickly.

"I will," I promised.

She left and I wandered back into my bedroom where only this morning I had been wrapped in Erik's arms. Staring at the bed, I made up my mind.

I tore the sheets off and threw them in the hamper, getting rid of the memory of him. I then searched through my closet until I found a nice dress and had a shower to wipe away all my smeared make up and heartbreak.

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