Youtube Convention

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(Slight NSFW at end ;))

Bakugou and I had been invited to a YouTube convention. I only had just started my YouTube channel a month ago but being on Bakugou's channel so much I was invited too. I was mostly excited do to the fact that this would be Bakugou's and I first vacation together. I know that sounds a bit stupid but I really just wanted to spend time alone with him. Him and I both live with many roommates, it's hard to get privacy sometimes.

"Are you ready let's go?" Bakugou says with an aggressive tone. I could tell that he was getting a little stressed over the travel. We had to fly to the convention and Bakugou was really picky on getting to the airport with time to spare. I on the other hand was not as wise and packed all my stuff 15 minutes ago. Lucky we didn't have to much stuff, just one suitcase that we shared and and 2 backpacks. We won't be gone for long so we just shared a suitcase.

We hopped in our Uber and began heading to the airport. Bakugou stared longly out the window, and I could feel the tension resonating off of him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turns to me.

'Bakugou we have plenty of time don't stress it.' I sign to him. He sighs heavily and signs back to me.

'You are right.' He signs laying his head on my shoulder. I laugh at him and he huffs at me. I found it funny how Bakugou signed to me more in public. I guess it was nice because not to many people could understand what we were saying.

We get to the airport and get through security no problem. We sit at our gate with an hour to spare. Bakugou seem to be glowing with the extra time I however was not. An hour to wait around and then all that plane time. Airports only have overpriced food, and nothing good to do.

'I told you we had nothing to worry about.'

"Shut up! I'm going to get some food, watch my stuff." Bakugou exclaims shoving all of his stuff into my arms. I watch him as he make a way into a magazine shop.

I sit on the ground at our gate with all of our stuff. All the chairs have been taken up leaving me no choice. I sight leaning back against the giant Pilar and mindlessly scroll through Twitter.

"Um excuse...  Kirishima... I'm a big fan can I get a photo?" And girl asks almost whispering. I nod and she hands me her phone. We snap a photo and she seemed to be beaming with happiness.

"You are going to Vidcon right? Where is Bakugou then?" She asks gleaming with hope that she might get a photo with him too. I pull out my phone gesturing to give me a second. I open notes and type, "he went to go buy some food he will be back in a little bit. You can wait here if you like." I show it her and she begins to blush.

"Oh no no it's okay. I bought tickets to go to your meet and greet anyway at Vidcon I'll see you guys there." She begins to scamper off and I wave goodbye in slight confusion. I thought I might have scared her but she seemed to be just a big fan.

I plop myself back on the ground against the Pilar. I take out my phone and begin my random scrolling again. Bakugou then sits down next to me laying his head on my shoulder. He had a plastic bag full of food. I lay my head on top of his. He pulls out his own phone a begins doing the same thing as me. He pushes the phone my direction and shows me the photo. It was a photo of the girl and I that had just taken a photo with.

"Mr. Famous huh?" Bakugou snicker at me and push his. He begins to laugh and I just roll my eyes at him.

"Flight to California begins boarding in 5 minutes at gate 7." A monotone voice says over the speakers. Bakugou and I grab our stuff and headed over closer to the boarding area.

Once we got on the plane and sat down I had realize Bakugou had gotten us first class tickets. I turned to Bakugou who had an evil smirk on his face. I took the seat closes to the window. Bakugou of course had a seat next to me. Lucky it was only two seats on a side so we had no one else to disturb us.

After takeoff and we could finally move our seats, Bakugou moved the arm rest back that was separating us and strung his arm behind my head. I curled up into him and fell asleep.

After the we got off our flight chaos issued. We decided to fly in the day of the convention. We grabbed our suitcase from the carousel and ran to get a taxi. We got to our hotel, checked in, got our feature creator badges.

The door to the room opened and Bakugou immediately collapsed on the bed, exhausted. I opened our suitcase and threw an out Bakugou, demanding he get change.

"Fuck, why did we fly in today." Bakugou muttered under his breath, as he slowly took of his sweatpants and sweater. We had looked like complete messes on the flight. Bakugou puts on a black T-shirt with a denim jacket. The jacket has all kind of patches covering it. The he puts on his favorite pair of black skinny jeans with rips. I on the other hand wear a white T-shirt with a varsity jacket. The jacket is white floral sleeves and black bodied. I tuck the shirt into some black jeans. Bakugou and I quickly throw on some makeup. I went for a flower light color look, Bakugou going for a darker blue theme.

We headed to the convention center for our meet and greet. I began to get more nervous as we headed over. Not being able to talk to everyone scared me the most. Since I was in a meet and greet with Bakugou what if they didn't want me in the photo. Dumb thoughts rushed my mind and I could Bakugou picked up on it.

"Don't fucking worry about it." He whispered taking my hand, interlocking our fingers. I took a deep breath and smiled at him.

We got to our meet and greet. I could hear people chanting and going crazy from behind the curtains we stood behind. Bakugou and I were then instructed by staff on how this worked. A fee minutes told us we could walk out and as soon people started screaming and cheering. The loud noise boomed in the giant room. Bakugou and I standing in front of the curtain.

One by one fans made their way up. Some told of stories about how we help them through tough time, some signing to me telling me of how I helped them with there disabilities. It was weird to meet so many people. After we met everyone we headed back to the hotel. As if we hadn't traveled a lot already.

At the hotel I scanned the keycard to our room I pushed the door open and before the door even fully closes Bakugou had pinned me to wall. He looked me up and down grinning.

"I've been waiting for this all day." He whispers in my ear. My body shutters at the sensations. He slowly makes his way to my lips. He begin to kiss slowly but slowly get more aggressive. His arms let go of mine that are pinned to the wall. I move them around Bakugou digging into his back, waiting for more. He takes his one arm and wraps my leg on his waist. He grabs onto my back and picks me up. I wrap my other leg around him, as he carries me to the bed...
This chapter kind o sucked but some juicy NSFW coming y'all way. Then the next one will hopefully be some fun convention shit. Sorry for the boring travel shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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