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Bakugou didn't seem to want to waste any time. On the ride home I got a text from him...

Bakugou: Do you want to go the Café on main at 3, Sunday
Kirishima: Sounds great

It was already Friday and the sun was slowly going down. Mina and I were working the late shifts to get some more money. I was covered in galaxy makeup but I didn't care. My co workers could make fun of me all they wanted. It was a little piece of Bakugou I didn't want to wash off.

My shift ran well in the night. When I got home it was 3 am. I didn't want to mess up my sleep schedule so I still set my alarm for the morning. When my alarm went off at 9, I smacked it, rolling over and looking at my phone. I had a text from Bakugou. I smiled and opened the message

Bakugou: see you at 10 then

Oh no. I throw myself out of the bed, grab some clothes, and run for the shower. I see Mina, slowly making her way to the same bathroom. I run it right as she is about to step in.

"hey open up I need to take a shit!" Mina's fist pound on the door. I had no time to explain, nor could I threw the door. I take the quickest shower of my life, violently scrubbing at my face to get the makeup I miss yesterday. Throw on the clothes I grabbed and run to my room.

I rummage through my makeup bag and slap some makeup on my face. I put my shoes on and run out the door.

By the time I get to the café it is 10:05. I see Bakugou through the window sitting in a booth. He was looking at his phone. It then hit me how much of a hot mess I must look like. First I was late to my date but it looked like I didn't even try. I push open the doors and slowly slide into the booth.

"About time you get here," Bakugou says huffing at me. I look down in pure guilt.

'I'm sorry I worked the night shift till 3 and I didn't see that you said that we were meeting at 3 so I got ready really fast...' my sign language was a rush, sloppy mess, I looked at him, ready for him to be upset, but he was laughing.

"Haha... I'm sorry I didn't realize you were working so late. You must be tired come on lets buy some coffee," Bakugou said with a smile. Sudden relief washed over me. I thought he would be mad at me for being late.

We got up to the corner and Bakugou ordered his. I wrote down what I wanted a handed it to the lady. She looked at me very confused. She began to write back on the piece of paper. Great another person who thinks I'm deaf. I understand trying to help but it's annoying.

"Hey lady he can here you know." Bakugou says. He was waiting nearby for his drink. I smile at him but tell him it's okay, that she was only trying to help.

"Oh I'm sorry...I'm sorry! Umm... it will be 3.44," I reach to my back pocket for my wallet. Oh no. As if nothing could go right for me today, I forgot my wallet. Bakugou must have been watching near by because suddenly Bakugou was handing the lady a five.

'No Bakugou it's okay you don't need too...'

"Shut up I dragged you here, I get to pay for your hot mess" Bakugou says with a huff. We walk to wait at the other corner for our drinks. Our arms slightly hitting each other as we stand. I turn away blushing, Bakugou doing the same.

We get our drinks and head back to the table. Bakugou tells me about how he got into makeup and such. How he started the whole YouTube thing and how it can be really challenging. I tell him about how I got into it. How basically it was him who got me into the whole makeup thing.

"Wait, you are telling me that my dumbass ass videos got you into makeup. Damn." Bakugou exclaimed taking the last swig of his drink. I slightly blush. We sit a talk for a bit more about random stuff. It doesn't feel much of a date until we have the weird stare at each other for to long, or our legs brush under the table, causing us both to blush.

"Well I've got to get going but you could come over tomorrow to my place and watch movies. My dumb roommates won't be there so it should be good." I smile in response nodding my head. We agree upon a time tomorrow.

'Let me walk you home,' I sat causing Bakugou to blush. We push open the door and Bakugou grabs my hand. I look at him and he is smiling. It caused me to feel more at ease as we make a short walk to his apartment. We stop outside of Bakugou's apartment.

"I just want to do one thing before I leave," Bakugou says, squeezing my hand. He pulls my hands causing us to be extremely close. Bakugou takes his other hand and lightly puts his hand on the side of my face. He leads forward and we kiss. Our lips only meet for minute but it feels like for a while. Bakugou slowly pulls away heading up the steps to his apartment.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says. I walk home in a daze. I slowly open the door and plop down on the couch. I just stare up a the ceiling blushing thinking about what has happened.

"Oh my god Kirishima!" Mina screams, running full speed at me. She jumps on top of me, grabbing my shirt and shaking me. "You kissed Bakugou holy shit!" Wait how does she know. "Wait you don't know here." Mina shoves her phone in my hand and there it is. A photo from the other side of Bakugou's street of us kissing. Probably from a fan nearby.

Oh no.
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Haha gay

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