His New Video

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5 weeks, 300 dollars later, and Mina being pissed for me stealing her makeup, I've started an obsession. Mina is super excited about it because we are always doing looks together. She mostly likes it because my parents gave me their old photography camera. Her stealing my camera for photos though makes up for the amount of makeup I steal from her.

Mina and I's instagrams have started to grow dramatically over this time period. The video of Sero and Denki's drunk asses chasing me around really gave me a start. As I began to post more and more looks people started to want to know more about me. Mina tries to do a live stream about every two weeks. She and I both get spammed asking questions about me not joining her in streams or doing some of my own. I don't want to tell everyone I'm mute. I don't need them to know it shouldn't be about that it should be about my makeup.

I also attempt my version of Bakugou's explosion look. Of course Mina forced me to tag him, and he liked it! He liked the post. I almost had a heart attack at the store when I saw that. I was buying my 59 cent ramen noodles with Denki. When suddenly I feel that slight ding in my pocket, and almost died. Denki must have thought I was the dumbest person on the planet.

Mina and I watch his videos together every time they come out. Sometimes they come out when she is at work so I watch them without her. Then when she comes home watch them again and pretend I didn't see it. I'm pretty sure she knows by this point but I can't say for sure.

Bakugou posted on his story that he was going to be posting a different type of video today. I was super excited but really nervous. What could it be? Was he going on a hiatus? Was he in an accident? My mind ran through all the possibilities. Mina was still at worked as she works late on Monday's but I couldn't wait for her. Not like I would anyway, but I really couldn't this time.

I sat there staring at my computer waiting for the notification. Watching the clock, waiting for the time to hit 6:30 pm. The clock slowly moves to 30 and I feel giddy. The notification pops up and I waste not a second to click on it.


"What is up my little extras. This video is going to be a little different but I know you guys will love it. This has been in the works for about 3 fucking weeks so you guys better fucking love it. Before this fucking giant announcement here is a word from my sponsor..."

    "I'm playing with all of you. Did you really think I, Bakugou Katsuki could get a sponsor. I'm too amazing to ever take their free fucking money anyway. Who even wants to see the same youtuber do the same sponsor thing every time they watch a video? Not me. If you want to my friend Tsu does like every fucking one ever so watch her."

    "I know you can't see her but she is giving me a death stare from behind the camera. She knows it true. Anyways we should probably get to this announcement thing. I mean it's kind of a pain in my ass to do this and organize this but you guys wanted it. See youtube just cause I swear my head of doesn't mean I'm a bad person. Maybe you should stop fucking demonetizing my videos! Okay I'm done, I'm done. Future me do a amazing fucking jump clip or some cool stuff here to the good shit."

    "Okay so what I wanted to share with all of you is... I'm going on fucking tour. Yeah that's right I will be traveling around and doing meet and greets. Tickets go on sale at whatever time if on you shitty screen. You can get the standard ticket which is just a photo with me. You can get the explosion ticket which is like a photo and a signature. Then you can get the like King ticket? Is that what it's called? I don't fucking know I've been living off of 5 hour energy to get it done. That one is like you can actual fucking talk to me for a few minutes along with the other shit."

    "I will start in my hometown UA and then be traveling all around to these places. It's not that big only like 7 places I will be going but I'm not fucking god. This shit a lot of work so don't complain if I don't go to your fucking town. Maybe next time if this shit goes well."

    "That means between these dates I will not be uploading videos. It's only two weeks so calm your shits. Of course as always the links to everything are down below. If you are new here why the hell are you watching this video go watch this one. You see in the info card yeah that video fucking amazing. Okay I hope to see all you little extras their so yeah. Bye."


    Did I really just here that right? Bakugou was going on tour? His first spot was where I lived? Bakugou lives in the same town as me? Oh my god this can't be happening. I click on the link in description. A blaring bright sign glow up saying the time tickets will go on scale. I scroll down a little bit and there it is in all its glory. The first location, the town I live in, UA.

    I hear the slight creak of the door. Mina. I fun out of my room with my laptop as fast as I can. Which is never a good thing in this apartment. Stuff is everywhere on the floors, I almost lose my balance but I'm hyper aware after this. My head is buzzing at the speed of light. Mina is standing in the front entryway trying to take off her shoes. She looks at me puzzled as I jam the laptop into her hands. She watches the 4 minute and 19 second video, not that I checked, and her face is glowing.

"Oh my god! He is going tour? We have to buy the king tickets! And how dare you watch this without me!" She gleams at me. Those eyes scare me sometimes.

'No we can't buy those tickets' I sign to her. She glares at me even harder. This time more judgemental. I can't believe she isn't processing this in her head. I know Mina has her slow moments but come on. 'Mina I can't talk, remember? That's the whole point of that ticket'

"Oh right. Sorry. Okay cheaper tickets it is. Saving me from going broke there Kirishima you really think ahead. Now let's go by some fucking tickets!" She wraps her arm around my neck as we walk into the living room to sit on the couch and wait for the tickets to go on sale. She really sometimes knows the right this to say. She almost dug herself straight into a hole, but she already had the ladder to get out.

We enter all the information needed for the tickets and wait for them to go on sale. I don't think they are going to sell out super fast, there not Hamilton tickets or something but I'm taking no chances. They go on sale and hit confirm. I then get a email with the ticket information on it. It's done. In 2 weeks I will be meeting the Bakugou Katsuki in real life.

"Omg we have to plan our outfits. We have to give four hours of prep time at the minimum. I'm not going without a full look and an instagram photo. This is actual gold!" Mina squeals happily. I have to agree with her, if we are going to meet the king himself we have to show off our skills. New outfits too. More because I have nothing but sweaters and sweatpants. Two weeks huh? -That seems so long.

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Little bit of a wait but I hope you all enjoy. I really need to finish my other story but I have no motivation. I like this story a lot more and feel goo

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