24. Lil meow meow (Yoongi)

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This chapter is dedicated to @xSilverLilyx Thank you for requesting this idea :D I hope this is a little bit like you would have imagined this to be. 


It takes you a moment before you manage to open the front door of your apartment with the large bag of groceries in your arms, but after fiddling with the keys for a moment you finally manage to open to door. You walk into your apartment and are met with the cutest thing ever, Yoongi your boyfriend is laying on the couch with one kitten on his lap and the other sleeping on his chest. Yoongi himself is petting the kitten on his chest and you can almost hear the kitten purring from here. 

''I'm home!'' You call into the house. 

Yoongi looks up and smiles brightly at you, the two kittens also both look up yawn and stretch their little paws before jumping off Yoongi and come running towards you. You kneel down and pet the fluffy little kittens. 

''Hey, little ones,'' You say while petting them, the kittens purr contently in return. 

In the corner of your eye, you see Yoongi on the couch yawning loudly and stretching his muscles.

''What time did you get back?'' You asked Yoongi. 

''About an hour ago,'' He replies while standing up from the couch and walking over to you, ''I got off work early today, I was waiting for you but I must have fallen asleep at some point and when I woke up they were using me as their pillow.'' He said pointing to the little kittens who were still purring and nuzzling up to you. You stand up again and give Yoongi a warming hug and a peck on his lips. 

''This is a nice welcome,'' You say smiling, ''you must be hungry I will make us dinner.''

You walk over to the kitchen the three boys following you close behind, Yoongi stops in the doorway and leans against the frame watching how you start putting away the groceries. 

''What are we going to eat?'' He asks smiling at you from the doorway. 

''Bibimbap,'' You reply, ''But I first have the feed the kittens, look at them they are soo cute!! and probably hungry.''

You kneel down on the floor and immediately the two kittens come running, purring and nuzzling against your hand when you pet them. They are literally the cutest thing ever!

''Hmph,'' Yoongi grunts and narrows is at you, ''I'm cuter.'' 

When you get back up to put away the last groceries the kittens start meowing again running in front of your feet. After putting away the groceries you open the fridge again and grab the food for the kittens. Yoongi watches how you grab the little bowls and bring them to the kitchen sink to wash them. He then pushes himself away from the doorframe and walks over to you. You feel him wrap his arms around you in a warming hug. 

''I'm hungry too,'' Yoongi purs in your ear and starts kissing you neck trying to get your attention. In the meantime, the kittens are still meowing on the floor nuzzling against your leg, excited because they know they are getting fed soon. 

''You will have to wait a little moment'' You reply and turn around to give him a quick kiss before escaping his embrace to fill the bowls of the two kittens who run after you. Yoongi follows her too and again wraps his arms around you. 

''This is not fair,'' He whispers in your ear and again kisses your neck more demanding this time, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses until he reaches your ear. ''When did you start loving them more than me?''

You chuckle slight and give him a kiss on his cheek, ''You know you're always my number one.''

Then one of the kittens jumps up your leg, you wince in pain and pry the cute little thing of your leg and hold it up against you face.

''You too will have to wait a little moment,'' You say to the little kitten who meows and wiggles to get off your hands in return. Carefully you place him back on the floor and turn around to find the other kitten already on the kitchen cabinet trying to get to the food. 

''Hey!'' You yell to the kitten who is so startled he almost falls of the counter and then jumps of it.

''It's okay little guy,'' Yoongi whispers to the kitten while petting the little kitten on the floor. The kitten purrs in return,'' I know right, she is mean.''

Yoongi looks up at you pouting, ''I'm hungry too.''

''Yeah, yeah,'' You reply and grab the two little bowls of the kitchen cabinet and walk out of the kitchen. The two kittens following you immediately meowing loudly and running around your feet. They immediately attack the food smacking and purring when you put it on the ground. You smile at them lovingly, they are so cute. 

''But what about me?'' Yoongi whines from the kitchen, ''Don't forget me.''

''So impatient, I thought I had two kittens not three.'' You mumble while walking to the kitchen. 

''What?'' Yoongi asks curiously while closely following you with his eyes, ''What did you say?''

''Nothing!'' You blush and hid your face behind the refrigerator door and get out the ingredients for bibimbap. Most of it you had already prepared the day before so you didn't have to spend a lot of time cooking today. 

''No really what did you say?'' A curious Yoongi asks smiling when you grab the food.

''Nothing!'' You reply again, ''Really nothing!''

''No, you definitely said something!'' Yoongi says. 

You grab a pan and start cooking the vegetables, again Yoongi wraps his arms around you. In the meantime, you put some hot rice prepared by the rice cooker when you did groceries into two bowls. 

''Hmmm'' Yoongi says while sniffing the air, ''It already smells good.''

''Why are you so clingy today?'' You ask him while putting the first batch of cooked vegetables on the bowls of rice.  

Immediately Yoongi releases you, surprised you turn around only to see Yoongi ready with chopsticks trying to steal a bite of the vegetables and kimchi already prepared.

''Hey!'' You yell and startle Yoongi who in response drops the chopsticks. ''No stealing!''

''Sorry,'' He pouts cutely and picks up the chopsticks. 


''No stealing!'' You repeat and point your spoon at him, ''Be a good boy and prepare the table.''

''Yes sir!'' He replies and hurries over to the kitchen cabinet to grab two glasses. 

''Ma'me for you!'' Your reply and chuckle at his cuteness. 

After just a few minutes the food is ready and you put the two bowls on the table where Yoongi is already waiting for you. He looks at you eagerly waiting for the food. 

''Thank you for the meal!'''He smiles at you when you put his bowl on the table and he digs into the food, smacking slightly and moaning because of how good it tastes after a long day. 

You shake your head slightly and chuckle, sometimes it really is as if you have three little kittens in your house instead of two. 


The end

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