168. letting go

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He texts me saying hes outside so I go and meet him.

"Hey." I say getting in the car. I lean over and kiss him. He kisses back.

I put my seatbelt on. I notice shawn looks sad but I decide not to ask what's going on.

We are driving and talking normally when I realise that shawn has missed the turn to our favourite place.

"Shawn you missed the turn."

"No I didn't we aren't going there."

"Where we going then?"

He drives for a little bit longer and says we are here.

"What are we doing at the train station?"

"You are going on the 4:25 to New York. Your parents are going to meet you there and they are going to help you look at dorms in your new school. "

"I already told you not without you. I can go look at dorms next year.  "

"No, no you're not you are going there in the fall. You are not deferring."

"So what are you trying to say. We dont have a future. This promise ring means nothing and you don't want to get married in the future?"

"Of course I want to marry you. I want to marry you so badly but I can't go through with all of this. The thought of you being stuck here for another year because of me makes me sick."

"Then just come with me, we can figure something out. We can get a little shoebox apartment together in New York."

"Do you love me?" He asks.

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Then tell me the truth and not something you think I wanna hear. Are you 100 percent sure that you want to stay here because of me? Be honest and truthful."

"No one is 100 percent sure of anything."

"I am. I'm sure that you are something special. That this is just the beginning for you. You are going to do amazing things. But to get there you have to go through these sort of experiences by yourself."

"Wait a minute." I say starting to cry.

"I cant be there with you, this is something you have to do by yourself."

"Wait a minute are you breaking up with?"

"I'm setting you free."

"Oh my God."

"Look do you not know how hard this is for me? How many time I have cried over this these past couple of days?"

"No I'm not going. I'm not going without you."

"You don't have a choice, I cant come with you Y/N."

"Then I'll stay. I'll go wherever it is you are going."

"Fort Benning Georgia?"

"Look I need a chance to redeem my father I just have to."

"Oh my God wait a minute. You are joing the army?" I'm balling my eyes out at this point.

"Are you insane? I cant believe this is happening right now."

"Its one of the places I knew you couldn't follow me. Look you are going to get on that train. You're gonna go to new York and you are going to be a star. Without me that's how much i love you. You know what we're gonna do? Surrender and I know how hard that is for you because you hold on to stuff. But we are just going to sit and here and we are just going to let go. And we are going to let the universe do its thing. And if we are meant to be together then we are going to be together. Whether it's in a little shoebox apartment in New York or or on the other side of the world. Okay? Will you do that with me? Will you surrender?"

Cries are all that can be heard coming from my mouth right now as we look at each other.

"I love you so much." I say.

"I love you."

With that we kiss each other passionately. When he pulls away I start crying my eyes out and sobbing.

Shawn gets out of the car and walks over to my side of the car. He opens my door and closes it behind me once I step out of it.

We hug and I dont want to let go but he drops his arms from around me and grabs my hand walking me to the platform where I see all of my friends and my teacher there to say goodbye to me. I hug all of them goodbye.

We get to the open door of the train and shawn stands in front of me. He leans down and we kiss one last time before I get onto the train. We hold hands but as I board our hands disconnect and we let go of each other.

When I sit down I see them all outside the window. They all wave and smile and then I see shawn standing there in front of everyone else.

The train starts to slowly move and as the pace of the train gets faster shawn starts running along against it looking at me until he cant go any further and then I can no longer see him.

I knew he did what he did because he thought it was right. I wish he didn't though because I loved him but I guess now it's time to let go.


Hope you liked this one thank you all for reading xx

Shawn Mendes imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt