TC:T&T|22 - Epilogue| We Should Talk

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Walking into the quiet house, Wynter sat her Louis Vuitton white purse on her countertop and took off her closed-toe heels and cardigan. She had just returned home from being in the office all day and was finally going to get some rest since she finally brought someone else in to help her at her architect firm so she can focus on her personal life by taking some much needed time off.

Walking to the living room, she looked over at the family wall that was filled with pictures of her side of the family, Kerauns side and of course their little family.

Running her fingers along the pictures of their wedding and the reception. She wanted to cry but she held it all together. The last two months have been the hardest months of her life and she was trying to get through it everyday without wanting to break down.

The only time she felt comfort within herself and her life was in the middle of the night when she was locked up in her room. She started going to Church more, her next foundation was now complete and it was doing wonderful work, she was a better mother to her kids than she ever was before by being more hands on and she was more honest with herself about a lot of things that she brushed off.

With Keraun moving out and Elora winning full custody of the girls. It gave Wynter a lot to reflect on, she had finally let go of all the things that she went through as a child and in her past and if anyone could see her now—they would notice the glow about herself.

Vanessa coached her to write three letters. In those letters it'll be addressed to three different people and when she was done writing those letters; she had to burn them as a sign of letting go and accepting everything for what it was and taking the leap to be much more better then before.

The first letter was addressed to Luie. In that letter she thanked him for blessing her with Riley and also expressing the forgiveness that she had now found with him and his demons was apart of a pattern that he didn't work towards fighting because not every had that strength within them but she thanked him for giving her that strength to be strong and to fight against any and everything that came her way.

The second letter was addressed to Malay and that was the hardest letter that Wynter had to write out of all three. In the letter she cried and spilled all of the pain and turmoil that she went through as if she was just filling Malay in with all of the shit that was going on like she had just returned from vacation.

She begged for forgiveness and asked that Malay continue being her guardian angel because there were times where Wynter knew she couldn't do it anymore but she would always remember Malay and realize that she had to live for her because she couldn't live for herself.

That night when she burned Malay's letter in her back yard. She cried her eyes out and when the letter was in tiny pieces it felt like a heavy wind came out of no where and a hold just came on top of her. It wasn't a hold of fear but a hold of love and comfort and that's when she knew that Malay was in her presence.

Lastly, the third letter was addressed to herself. The letter was filled with all the pain she went through and how she intended to move forward and just do better. She had to realize that her past was out of her control because she allowed her emotions and experiences to control her but now that was behind her.

She forgave herself for all of the mistakes that she made and truly learned how to embrace herself for what it's worth. No longer was she thinking about anything negative but she was now in a positive light towards redemption and understanding.

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