TC:T&T|2 - Getting Played

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Riley sat in the front seat of her drama class as tired as ever. Lexi kept them both up almost all night talking about how excited she was to move Greenville and all Riley wanted to do was tell her to shut the fuck up but being that she wasn't as blunt as her aunt Desi and Mills she bit her tongue and just thought about how she wanted to strangle her.

Being away from her mother was tough and she just hoped that she could really pull this whole college thing off because there was a lot that she didn't even know how to do.

Ryan and Gloria went off to a next college so she was back to square one with trying to make friends although she had Lexi, she still wanted to put herself out there for endless possibilities.

College was where she had to screw up and learn from those screw-ups but she wasn't going to be stupid about it.

"Tired?" A girl asked beside her with a pretty smile.

Riley smiled back at her and nodded her head up and down. "Very, my roommate talked my head off last night."

"Ehh, one of those girls."

Nodding her head again Riley chuckled, "Yes. Wanna trade?" She joked.

The girl giggled, "You'll just end up with a next talkative one, I had to tell my roommate to shut up or get the hell out yesterday."

"I wish I had your guts."

The girl held her hand out for Riley to shake. "Savannah Walker."

Shaking her hand back, Riley smiled. "Riley Connor."

"So what are you majoring in?" Savannah asked.

"Majoring in Drama and Theatre Arts and minor in Dance. Might just join Theta Mu Tat sorority." Riley explained.

Savannah's eyes lit up with glee. "Looks like I got a buddy for everything!" She shouted before their professor told her to keep it down.

The girls giggled and made small conversation until their class was finished. "Thank God there are no more classes for the day." Savannah sighed.

"Right." Riley agreed. "So are you from around here?" She questioned as they walked around the quad.

Savannah nodded, "Born and raised, I went to Longdale high school. What about you?"

"Born and raised as well but I went to Westcroft."

At the mention of that Savannah stopped walking and Riley looked at her confused. "We've got that pride, We've got that spirit. So, whoo, let's hear it, So, whoo, let's hear it. So, wave your hands, Scream your mouth, Come on, fans, Shout, shout, shout Tigers!" She sang while doing Riley's high school cheers.

Riley laughed loudly and pulled Savannah away from her cheer stance with a wide smile.

Savannah laughed as well and placed a hand on her chest to calm down. "I always thought y'all cheer songs were cute."

"They were okay." Riley shrugged once their laughter died down.

Taking the time out to look at Savannah as they sat down at a lunch table. Riley could honestly say that she was beautiful. "Hey, I must admit that you're really beautiful."

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