TC:T&T|1- Lunch Date

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Sitting under the umbrella at the little restaurant Keraun continued to stare at Wynter as she looked over the menu before her.

She felt his eyes on her but she didn't bother to pay attention to him. With it now being Sunday and the kids being to church with her parents Keraun decided to just take her out of the house.

Ever since having Kyree he noticed that Wynter intentionally got herself attached to all of the kids. Even when it came to sending them to school or leaving them with her mother it would be a hassle.

He didn't know what the hell was going on with her but he intended to find out. He didn't need or want her to potentially check out on him or their family.

That thought alone had him scared as hell and he was going to try his best to make sure that won't be anywhere in their future.

"What's wrong Guy? You've been staring at me for the longest?"

Clearing his throat, "You good?" He asked.

Raising her brow, "Why wouldn't I be?" She questioned back.

"Don't answer a question with a question."

"I'm perfectly fine. Am I giving any indication that I'm not? Am I slipping up on something that I don't know about?" She panicked.

Keraun shook his head. "No, but I know you, Wyn. How are you taking Riley's departure."

"You say departure like she's never coming back. She's coming back Guy." Her words were laced with attitude and that's when Keraun knew he hit the nail on what her problem was.

"Come here."

"Why?" She whispered but the look he threw her way, had her flying out of her seat and onto his lap where he wrapped his arms around her.

"You know you can't be scared forever right? Riley has to go out into the world and learn it the way she wants to. You have to give her room to make mistakes and be young but also give her time to come to you for that guidance that she knows you'll give her. This isn't the end of seeing her and I wasn't insinuating that she'll never come back, I mean come on, it's Riley we're talking about. That girl can't go an hour without hearing your voice."

Wynter chuckled, "That's true. I think I caused that by having her check in every hour when she was younger. I just don't want her to go out there blindsided because when you look at it I did shield her from a lot." She stressed.

"And she won't because you raised her and not only that she watched you be the strongest woman that she knows, you don't think she learned how to be strong by watching you? Give her some credit baby. Riley is your daughter and you know she won't take anyone's shit and if something was to happen you'll be the first person she'll call but she's only been there for a night. Get rid of this separation anxiety."

Wynter leaned over and pecked his lips. "I'm sorry and you're absolutely right plus she's our daughter."

Moving back to her seat, she allowed the waitress to come over and take their orders as she and Keraun made small talk amongst each other.

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