Author's Note

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A U T H O R ' S

I don't own any pictures that will be used in this book. This book is also not a fanfic of KingKeraun, so don't get your hopes up for that. It's also rated as mature, if you know you can't handle certain stuff; don't read it.

Please read the first book before attempting to read this one, it's called
'Nothing Like That' and for those of you who have read the original book you also know that Ace's character was portrayed as the late Nipsey Hussle but in this book he will be mentioned but Bryson would be the main one talking because when I wrote about Ace, I always envisioned Nipsey and I just can't anymore with everything that's happened with that being said, RIP Nip 🏁💙.

Romance is the main thing about this book but relationships aren't perfect, don't believe that they will be in this book. If you happen to not like a decision that I make in my book, feel free to not continue any further.

I'm not perfect and I won't try to be either. Don't expect my book to be perfect because we are not such and we're all allowed to make mistakes.

For those of you that will appreciate the book feel free to check out my other books as well whenever they're posted, this will be my real second book where I use pictures in them that I'm actually excited about writing. There won't be pictures in every chapter so don't expect it.

Dave East, was the only male role that I could've thought of at the moment to play this role and because I love the way he says 'mama' in Peace Sign with Sevyn Streeter, I didn't mind writing about him. I'm not a fan of his because I only love r&b music, but while scrolling on Instagram I saw KingKeraun profile and realized that him and Dave have the characteristics that I was looking for to play this character, so as stated before this book is not a fanfic book and if you want to picture Dave in the book, feel free because I did at first!

An author on here once stated that she loved writing about happy endings because life is sad on its own and if I could give everyone the pleasure of feeling happy by just reading one chapter of my book, I will do just that. I would give credit to the author but I can't remember who she might be and if any of you happen to know who I'm talking about, feel free to mention her.

Now, I'm not saying that this particular book will only be filled on happiness alone because let's be honest here; life isn't all about rainbows and sunshine's, and neither is relationships. Don't bash my people in this book because they will learn from everything on their own timing.

Some topics in this book; some of you may not be able to stomach or would like to accept that this is our reality so with that being said—read at your own risks. This is our reality. If the topics may get too much for you then just exit out.

Rated Mature

I appreciate everyone from this moment forward for even stepping in to read it.

Enjoy and feel free to express yourselves for we are owed that much in life.

Feel free to vote, comment and share.

Nangianni, out!

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