Prologue - They're Back

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Pacing around her bathroom, Wynter waited until she heard her timer go off. She was nervous as fuck and just wanted the anticipation to just leave the pit of her stomach.

This wasn't something that she thought she would be doing early in the morning while her husband and kids slept in their respected rooms. Why couldn't everything just be so simple?

Wynter chuckled at that one thought, nothing involving her life was simple and after the last three years, it was still hard for her to even try and grasp wanting things to be easy.

In the end, she couldn't help but to think not knowing what's going to happen next just made things more exciting but at what cost once it starts becoming depressing because the unknown is just something to fear in general.

All of these thoughts, she thought she escaped them but she was sadly mistaken.

Once in a while, everything would just hit her and she would have to go right back to taking a breather and just separating herself from everyone and everything.

The married life was everything that she could've imagined. Keraun never changed up on her once they tied the knot, the sex was still awesomely amazing and the communication was strong as ever.

There was just one little issue that Wynter was still sort of having a problem with and that's why she was in the bathroom waiting for the pregnancy test results.

When the timer went off she was too afraid to look and see whether or not she was indeed carrying a fourth child especially with having three little kids running around under the age of five.

There was Elora who was now three and a half, Keylin who was two and baby Kyree Wyn Connor that was just born five months ago.

Being pregnant with Kyree made Wynter go through a lot of turmoil. The side effects that Luie put her through made its way to her pregnancy with him and she had to visit her doctors every week which put a pause on her and Kerauns honeymoon.

Sucking up every feeling that she had, she finally went to turn the test over with a big sigh of relief that escaped her lips. She wanted to cry out to the great Lord above but she knew that she couldn't get too excited because tests sometimes give off the wrong answers.

Bending over her bathroom sink, she said a quick prayer to God asking him to stop Kerauns sperm from trying to harvest one of her eggs.

As soon as she started to raise her head from saying 'Amen' she felt her husband's body pressed up against her ass. "What you doing up?"

Wynter tried pushing him back once he started grinding his lower half on her. "Stop. I was taking a test."

Keraun looked at her with hopeful eyes, "And?"

"And, I'm not pregnant nigga. I thought we went through this years back, I don't want to get trapped and for the love of God. We just had a baby five months ago and let's not forget how terrible that whole pregnancy was."

"So what?"

"So what?" Wynter mocked and snaked her neck around at him. "Why don't you do us a favor and carry the next baby? Oh wait, you can't. So with that being said, there will be no more babies coming out of this here pussy."

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