TC:T&T|5 - Keeping Secrets

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It's been two months since Riley talked to or seen her family and there was a reason for that but now, she was going to surprise them with a visit since it was the weekend.

There was some news that she had to share with them but she didn't know how they were going to take it.

Her parents were unpredictable, especially her mother so fear was all in her eyes as she looked at herself in her body length mirror.

How can you be so scared of someone that loves you with everything?

Things were going to take a drastic turn and she didn't know if it was going to be a good or bad thing.

In some cases, she expected the worse from her mother and other times she was hitting the nail on the head with how she knew Wynter was going to react.

Grabbing her little tote bag, she walked out of her dorm room to the parking lot and began her three hours to her parent's house.

On the way there she stopped for some food and by the time she looked. She was parked out by the gates and watched as they opened, driving her car up the driveway.

Walking inside of the quiet house, she figured that the little kids were down for a nap and she just needed to find one of her parents.

Just by her turning around by the kitchen, she saw her mother cutting up some fruits and putting them in a Tupperware for her siblings.

Clearing her throat, Wynter looked up at Riley and focused back on cutting the fruits up. "You know us now? I thought we were all of a sudden forgotten. What you ran into some trouble?"

Riley scratched her neck and moved closer to Wynter. "I'm sorry I haven't been reaching out but I'm here now."

"Okay but why? I sent you to college basically bout two months ago and I'm just hearing from you? I could've come up there and given you a good ole black embarrassment but I chose not to." Wynter was fed up.

Keraun walked in the kitchen after hearing some voices and when his eyes settled on Riley, he smiled and engulfed her in a hug. "What you doing here lil girl?"

Riley held on to the hug and felt like she was going to break down. "I missed you guys."

Keraun chuckled, "We couldn't tell."

"I'm really sorry. A lot has been going on and I'm just trying to wrap my head around everything." Riley apologized.

"So start talking." Wynter snapped.

Keraun could feel the tension in the room because Wynter was barely sleeping when it came to Riley not responding to anything that anyone was sent to her and many times he had to stop Wynter from going up to the college.

He didn't think Riley understood the impact of her decisions that she left on her mother and it was only so much that he could do to comfort Wynter.

"I just want to say that I love you guys and I never meant for any of this to happen." Riley cried and Wynter stopped cutting the fruits to hold her.

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