TC:T&T|17 - Moving On

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Keraun was at the gym lifting some weights to burn off some much-needed stress relief exercises. The past week had been tough in the Connors household and he just needed to get away from them even if it was just for a couple of hours.

He had some music in his ears playing while he continued lifting weights and watching his surroundings. He never wanted to be one that was caught off guard at any point in his life so he was always observant.

He watched as a girl walked over and picked up some little weights while bending her knees slightly to get her back straight enough to perform her squats while lifting the weights.

Keraun wanted to laugh because her posture was all the way off and if she didn't watch how she was bending she was going to put a strain on her lower back. He took one of his earphones out of his ears and looked over at her to see her already looking at him to the corner of her eyes.

"You might want to spread your toes slightly outwards so it can give you the perfect stance to hold the extra weight up without applying all that pressure," Keraun suggested and watched as she followed through with his suggestion and pointed her toes outwards.

The girl looked over at him and smiled. "This honestly feels so much better. Thank you, are you a trainer here or something? I've never seen you here before."

Keraun shook his head and chuckled, "Nah, I just joined today."

"Well welcome. I would show you around but I know that once I'm done with this position my feet and thighs would be burning like a motherfucker."

Keraun waved her off and shrugged. "Got a good look around earlier."

The girl nodded and gave him an easy smile but she couldn't help her wondering eyes to see that he was honestly a handsome man as she scanned him from head to toe with his tattoos peeking through his wife beater with a little drizzle of sweat but when her eyes got down to his left hand and she saw that it was blessed with a wedding ring—she frowned slightly and quickly recovered from it.

"Aww damn. Are you from around here?"

"I live over on this side but I'm originally not from here, what about you?" He knew that he shouldn't have been entertained her but what better way to help him pass time? He had no intentions of taking the conversation any further than the gym anyway so there was no harm in simply talking to her.

"All my life." She smiled and held her hand out. "Carmen Sanchez."

Keraun accepted her handshake and looked in her eyes. "Keraun Connor."

"Connor." The name rolled off of Carmen's tongue so seductively that she didn't even notice it but Keraun did. "That name sounds so familiar. Do you by any chance have any ties to Our Children's Lives Matter Inc?"

Keraun smiled proudly at her. "That's my wife foundation."

Carmen smiled back at him. "I must say, I admire the way she's making a change in the community especially the black community as well to see that mothers are now listening to their daughters and our black guys are being more open and vulnerable about their abuse. It's such a change from what I'm used to. I remember when it was so hard for a nigga to even admit that he broke his pinky toe once and now seeing it all come together is like—damn am I dreaming? Is this shit too good to be true because ain't no way this nigga in front of me telling me that he loves me?"

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