TC:T&T|8 - Decisions, Decisions

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The party had just ended and the immediate family has gathered around in the kitchen eating leftover food and desserts seeing as there were plenty still left over.

The kids were put down earlier for their nightly rest with boys sleeping in Keylin's room and girls sleeping in Elora's room seeing as it's still technically her birthday.

Elora truly did enjoy her party, the number of gifts that Keraun had to stack up nicely in her closet meant that Elora was going to have a field day when she could really sit down and look through all of them.

Keraun stood on the side of Wynter while holding on to her waist loosely. He didn't know how she was feeling because when they were hit with the papers, she didn't do too much talking afterward.

Now they were standing in the kitchen breaking the news down to their families. "Is there anything we can do to fight her on it?" Allen asked.

Keraun shrugged, "Not much that I know of. She's their mother and she has a stable job along with a house. There's a chance she can win the case with no questions asked. Fathers rarely get looked at to keep custody of their kids and me being black doesn't make it any better." He sighed.

"When she left those kids behind she didn't care about being a mother then. I get she went through her little mental break down but whose to say that she's back to herself?" Roxanne, Kerauns mother fussed.

Aubrey, his father nodded. "Why would Ellie want to do this? The girls are beyond happy. There's no way we can make a deal with her? Do you guys know how difficult it will be two raise two girls under two different households with two different set of house structures?" He asked and waited on Wynter or Keraun to say something.

Wynter was honestly in her own world as she bit into the macaroni that was in front of her. It was ironic how Kerauns fathers name was Aubrey and the guy that she was working with name is Aubrey.

She had to meet up with him tomorrow to look at his piece of land on how he wanted his house to be designed. With everything that was going on, she couldn't wait to get from around everyone.

"Wynter!" Mills shouted.

Wynter looked over at her, annoyed. "What?"

"Are you even listening?" Giselle questioned.

Wynter shrugged her shoulders carelessly. "I was." She admitted. "I don't know what you guys want us to do. She's going to fight for them and as Keraun said earlier since she's their mother, the state could just see her as the better option. Rarely do you ever see good black men win full custody of their kids? I watched that little girl cry over me and Keraun never separating and now we have to break the news to her that she'll possibly never be living with us again. Do you guys know how hard that will be for me alone? I raised Elora—she doesn't know anything about Ellie. She calls me mommy, not her and that alone could push her bitter ass into fighting for full custody."

"What if you adopt them?" Riley suggested.

Keraun shook his head, "We tried that when Elora was born but with Ellie still being alive and well the courts dismissed it."

"Well can't we just fight the bitch? Excuse my French parents but damn. Keraun what you did to this chick?" Desi was beyond annoyed and it didn't help that she was pregnant and her hormones were all over the place.

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