"It's late, you know. We should probably go to sleep, we have class tomorrow," I stood up from the couch, stretching my arms and back, "C'mon! You're sleeping with me!"

        His cheeks were bright red as he agreed. I went into the bathroom and got changed into black shorts and a grey tank top to sleep in, then entered my room to see Kid had removed everything except his white dress shirt and black pants. We crawled into bed next to each other, cherishing the warmth between us. Kid pulled me close and kissed the top of my head, holding me against him. I laid my head on the top of his chest, breathing in his scent.

        "Goodnight, (Y/N)..." he whispered into my hair. I said goodnight back and fell into a peaceful sleep.

        We woke up the next morning still tangled in each others embrace. I smiled, as did Kid. I got up, stretching my arms and back, "I'm gonna go get dressed in the bathroom, I'll be right back." He hummed to say he heard me as he sat up. I grabbed a black dress from my closet and black thigh high stockings. The dress hugged my figure up top but poofed out at my waist. It had buttons down to the line of my waist, which held a blue belt. I finished doing everything I had to in the bathroom and walked out, letting Kid use it. I went to the kitchen and quickly made us both some oatmeal, placing it on the table just as Kid came back.

        "You didn't have to make me anything," He chuckled, sitting down next to me.

        "Oh, so I'm supposed to let you starve? Yeah, right, you're my guest. It's the least I can do," I laughed, taking a bite of the food in front of me. We quickly finished eating while making small talk and left for school, arriving at, surprise, 8. We were late. Again. I sweatdropped walking into class. Stein glared at us but didn't say anything. I had to admit, I was thankful. I didn't want to be called to the deathroom again, at least not for a long time. Unless they want to tell me that Tora has been captured and is begging me to end her miserable life.

        Class ended quickly today, probably because I couldn't wait for lunch so that I could go and see Connor. When I got there I was surprised to see he was up and walking, "(Y/N)! Great news! I get to go home today!" He cheered, hugging me. My face dropped. I didn't think he would be coming back yet. I was supposed plan a surprise party. He told me a few days. Yikes.

        "That's... Amazing!" Black*Star will be sad. Maybe I can let him sleepover anyways? I did kinda already say he could. 

        "Yeah, I can go home with you at the end of the day, we just have to take it easy for a few more days before taking anymore quests, if that's cool with you."

        "Of course it is! I don't want you to get hurt again, so we will be waiting until you're all healed up, don't worry! I was thinking we could go out for ice cream before going home though?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

        "Oh, you know I can't say no to you," He sighed, "Plus ice cream sounds good right about now."

        "Great! I'll see you at the end of the day!" I ran out of the room, leaning against the door.

        How am I going to pull this off?

        I ran off to find some people who may be willing to help.

        "Maka! Just who I wanted to see!" Soul was with her too.

        "Hey, (Y/N), we were all looking for you earlier," She said smiling at me.

        "Yeah, actually that's what I'm here for," They both looked at me curiously, "I just visited Connor and apparently he can come home today which would be great but I wanted to surprise him with a surprise party when he gets back! So I really need your help. If I can keep him distracted for a bit after school do you think you could use the decorations in my closet to set up and maybe gather some food?"

        "Of course! We'd love to help! I'll get the others on board too! What time do you think we should be ready by?"

        "Hmm, maybe 6:30? I don't think I can keep him distracted all night," I laughed.

        "Sure, I'll go find everyone now!"

        "Thank you, Maka!" I called after her, "She is a lifesaver," I smiled.

        "Sure is. You must be happy that Connor is okay though, even if you're stressed about this party," Soul turned to me.

        "Oh yeah, I am, I just wish I had more warning," I grumbled.

        "Oh, hey (Y/N), did you miss me?" Star came up from behind me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. 

        "You bet," I giggled, "I'm having a party for Connor tonight at 6:30, you should come! It's gonna be a surprise so you should be there earlier! And I didn't forget what I said yesterday, you can spend the night if you want." 

        "Yahoo! I get to spend the night with (Y/N)!" Star jumped around.

        "Yes, welcome to the club," Kid said, walking up to us, "A surprise party, huh? I will also be there, it's great that Connor is well enough to go home. If only the party were at 8 instead," A tickmark appeared on his head. I thanked all the boys just as the bell rang, signalling us to class.

        I gave Maka my spare key before picking up Connor. He seemed like he was in great condition! He moved fine and even kept up with me as we walked through the slightly crowded streets to get our ice cream.

        "One vanilla soft serve, please," Connor asked the man.

        "And one (F/Ice cream) as well!" I grinned, paying for our sugary treats, "Let's go take a walk around the park, you could use the exercise, lazybones."

        "Hey!" He playfully punched my arm. We walked around for a while and I noticed it was getting dark.

        "Should we go back? It's getting kinda dark." I played it off like that was the reason, I knew it was after 6.

        "Sure, this was awesome. I really missed you, (Y/N)..." Connor said softly.

        "I missed you too," I hugged him before pulling away, "Now let's get you home!"

        "SURPRISE!" We all said together, Connor looked like he was about to shit himself and I wished more than anything that I had a camera on me, thankfully it seemed like Soul read my mind cause he had the whole thing on video. I am so going to blackmail him later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now