This Might Be Too Much

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When Kid and I got out into the halls I turned to him, "So how do you think you'll do working with Star?" I smiled slightly while my (e/c) eyes stared into his golden ones.

        He was looking at me from the corner of his eye, "I'm sure we'll get the job done. Whether or not I will be ready to rip his throat out at the end of it really depends." He shrugged as if it was nothing, causing me to chuckle slightly under my breath.

        "I see.. Depending on how much of a dick he is, you mean?" I ran my hand through my hair, smiling slightly. He chuckled and nodded his head lightly, as to not make his hair any more asymmetrical.

"Precisely. Now how do you think you are going to do being here alone with Soul?" It sounded like he scowled at the end when he said Soul's name. I'm not quite sure why however. The three of them have been acting quite odd towards each other...

        "Oh, um... I should be fine. Now that I know Connor is going to be okay-or that he might be, I should be a bit better. Don't worry about me Kid, I'll be okay. You should worry about your mission." I stopped walking and turned to him, as we reached the front doors of the school.

        "Okay (y/n), if you say so. Though I'm sure I'll still worry.." He smiled, tilting his head slightly to one side. I smiled back and looked down the stairs, his eyes followed where I looked, "I should probably go fetch Black*Star and the others for our mission.. I'll see you once I return. Goodbye (y/n)."

He took a step forward at the same time I did, I wrapped my arms around his neck, as his arms slid around my waist, holding me tightly against his chest. I breathed in his scent, closing my eyes, and hugging him for a few moments before he pulled away, and leaned his head down, then kissed my cheek softly. I felt my cheeks get warm, as a light red tinted them. He chuckled at me, and then with a wave he was off. I waved back, standing in the door way for a few minutes, staring into nothingness, lost in my own thoughts.

I was about to go off in search for Soul when I felt two arms grab me from behind, tickling my hips. I screamed, and jumped a little, turning around and grabbing their arms, moving down to flip them over my back and onto the ground. I looked down to see crimson eyes looking back at me and a face that appeared to be in pain.

        "Oh my god, Soul! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you.." I went down to sit beside him, "You aren't hurt, are you?" I asked.

        "Pfft. Who me? Noo.. I'm cool. Its cool." He sounded out of breath, so I assumed that I knocked the wind out of him. "Just a little back pain." He tried to sit up and just laid back down. "Just.. give me a second.."

I leaned over him, giggling quietly, even under the circumstances of how I had just injured him. "I am so sorry again. Really, I thought it was a.. well I don't really know, but I attacked first and was planning on asking questions later." I laid my left hand upon his chest gently.

        He groaned slightly, not speaking for a moment whilst he tried to gather as much air as he could in his lungs. He started going red in the face, however a few moments later the colour returned to him and he slowly began to sit up. "It's fine (y/n). Better for you to attack anyone who tries to touch you than for someone to be able to sneak up on you and attack." He shrugged, pausing for a moment. "Can't really say that didn't hurt though." He chuckled, his hand holding the back of his neck.

        "Yeah.. Oops. I'll try to be more careful next time someone tickles me- I'll check to make sure it's not you first." I stood back up and held my hand down to him, expecting him to take it.

        He reached up and entwined his fingers with mine, then I pulled him up to his feet and we started walking towards the doors of the DWMA. "Thanks, that might be useful considering how often I like to tickle you." He smirked, still not letting go of my hand though we were both still standing.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now