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{ Quick little A/N before the chapter. I know that this isn't a very exciting chapter and now much happens, I just need a way to pass the time until Kid returns with Star. I promise the next chapter will be better. If you're a fan of Soul you'll like this one because you spend it all with him. Thank you. }

     I watched silently as Soul finished making the ramen, a soft smile upon my features which have been clouded in despair lately.

          I can't quite put my finger on it but when I'm with Soul there's this feeling.. I feel safe. He's always been there when I need him, he didn't even need me to ask for him to stay tonight, he was already planning on it. Soul... He's really thoughtful. It doesn't seem like he's just following through with lust at all. It's also like that with the others though. But each feeling is different. Kid is so sweet, I don't think he's ever made the first move to kiss me on my lips. Only my forehead and cheek.. He doesn't make any comments either, he's a really caring guy and he makes me feel secure, like I can be myself. Black*Star lightens up the room just by being in it, it's simply impossible to be in a bad mood when he's around. Not just because he won't allow it but because his attitude towards things gives off a genuinely good atmosphere. Once you get to know him he's really so sweet and kind. They all are... They're so nice to me.. I don't even know what I did to deserve it honestly.

          The sound of bowls hitting the counter snapped me out of my thoughts, pulling me back into reality. As Soul poured the noodles and liquid into the bowls I couldn't help but look at him. Really look at him. The way his hair was styled, the soft expression on his face, the way the muscles in his arms seemed to stiffen when he lifted the pot, the light shade of pink his lips were.. He seemed so peaceful.

          He turned to me, bowls in hand. "It's ready. Wanna eat at the table?"

          I nodded. "Yeah. That'd be cool." With a giggle I slid off the countertop and hopped over to the table, taking a seat at the side. Soul sat beside me, placing the bowl of steaming ramen in front of me.

          "Well it smells great! Good job Soul, thank you." I closed my eyes with a peaceful smile on my face. I heard him make a noise beside me, like an accepting grunt I guess. I opened my eyes and began to eat, blowing on it first as to cool it off.

          "Man I wish you were blowing something else..." Soul muttered quietly. It didn't take me long to figure out what that meant.

          "Soul!" I moved my hands around wildly, "Oh my god, you really just said that!" I laughed, running my hands through my hair, "You're really something else, you know that?" I lightly shook my head, trying again to eat.

          "Yeah. If by something else you mean-.. Never mind." Soul turned his head and lifted up a bite of his own food.

          My eyes darted towards him, looking at him from the corner of my eyes. "Hmm? What were you going to say? Not another one of those comments again, was it?"

          "No, don't worry about it. It's cool. Nothing at all really." He grinned a broad grin, and so I decided not to press on because I knew, like me and Maka both, he was also stubborn. So I shrugged and focused on finishing the food that Soul had made for us. Might I just say that it tasted amazing, he was right! Ramen certainly was something he was good at making.

          When we were finished eating we both started to wash the dishes together. He was drying and I was washing. It only took a few minutes considering how few dishes there was. Then I showed him where everything went and we put them away together.
          By this time it was about 4:00pm, and I began to wonder about Kid and Star. I wonder if they're okay...
          "Hey (y/n). What're you thinking about now?" Soul sounded concerned again and I realized I must have started zooming out again.
          "Oh, sorry. I was just wondering about Kid and Black*Star... I hope they're okay." I sighed, looking down to the ground. "I don't know what I'd do if another one of my friends got hurt.. You guys all mean so much to me and... And I've only known you for a little bit.." I looked back up at Soul, staring right into his eyes, "but it feels like it's been years."
          "If Star found out you were worrying about him completing  a job he'd probably lose it." Soul chuckled, causing me to laugh as well, "I mean it's Star we're talking about, even when things look the worst he finds a way to pull through. He's strong, gotta give him that. And as for Kid.. It's Lord Deaths son! He's stronger than almost everyone at the DWMA, he can handle himself just fine (y/n). Don't put too much thought into that."
          "You're right. I shouldn't worry about them being okay, of course they're going to be fine! They're stronger than I could ever hope to be." I laughed, "I really look up to them for that ya know. They can protect themselves and their weapon.. It's admirable."
          "You aren't serious, are you? That's so uncool to think." I looked up at him with confusion. "It isn't your fault that Connor is injured, he jumped in front of you because it's a weapons job to protect their meister. Not the other way around. I know this situation, I've been in it myself. With Maka... A little while ago. Crona wasn't always on our side." He sighed.
          "Please tell me more." I blinked, wanting to hear more about the backstory of my friends, while wishing somewhere in my mind that I could've been there to help.
          "Well... Okay.. We had just finished up and extra lesson. We'd collected all the souls we needed but Maka, she sensed a soul near by- two of them actually. They were surrounded by human souls. It was the souls of Crona and Ragnarok. We ended up in battle with him and Maka tried to flee. The door didn't open, doors only open one way there as Crona took habit to repeating. Crona was about to hit Maka and so I turned back and jumped in front of her, shielding her from the blow. In the end we both ended up being okay, Stein showed up with Spirit. After that though, Maka couldn't stand looking at me with my shirt off, for she'd see the scar. She thought it was because she wasn't strong enough.. But that wasn't the case at all."
          "That's how you got that scar on your chest... I wondered about it before but I didn't know it was.. Oh my god.. Wow." I shook my head. "You guys are really great as partners, you know that? You're both stronger than you may realize. I can tell."
          "Yeah, she's a pretty cool meister." He grinned. "So now do you see? It's not that you can't protect him because you aren't strong enough. It's just that he felt the need to protect you because he knows you're strong enough. To get through this and to help him get through it as well."
          "Yeah. Thanks Soul. You're really good at putting things into perspective." I giggled, closing my eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh. "I wish we would've met a long time ago. You're one of the best people I've ever met." I opened my eyes again to see Soul smiling, but he didn't say anything. We just kinda sat like that for a while. Staring into each other's eyes. Not even really thinking about anything. Just simply being in the moment. One of the best moments I've had in a long time. Since coming to the DWMA at least...
          I've had amazing moments with everyone I've met so far. Playing basketball with everyone, getting to know Black*Star in that closet, talking to Maka about our favourite books, listening to Kid talk about symmetry with that passionate sparkle in his eyes, getting to know Kid as more than just Lord Deaths son was great too, there's so much more to him than that. Going on the mission with Crona was fun at first.. Until the fight began. Then it all went downhill. Everyone has been so nice to me, I need to find a way to repay them for it... I could always throw a party once everyone is back and once Connor is healed! Of course he'd have to attend, it wouldn't feel right without him. After all, they're his friends too. We can plan it together.
        Next thing I know I feel a hand on mine, which was resting gently on my knee.
        "You're really something else, you know that (y/n)? You're probably the coolest person I know." Souls' crimson eyes seemed to stare into my soul as he talked. I could feel my cheeks getting warm, so I knew that once he smirked it was because of him causing me to get flustered.
        "Thank you, Soul... That's quite the compliment coming from you." I chuckled, remembering how he referred only to things he thought were truly great as 'cool'.
        "I mean it." His features went from lighthearted and playful to serious in a matter of seconds. "You really are. You're simply too good to be true. I don't know what I did to deserve a.. Friend like you in my life. But I swear I'll never let you go."
        I couldn't hold it back anymore after that. I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his neck so tightly, I swear I was probably choking him. He didn't care at all though. In the very instant my arms were around his neck, his found their way around my waist, one of which stayed there while the other was around my mid back. He held me tighter than I've ever been held by anyone.
        "Soul... I don't know what to say." I could feel tears in the corners of my eyes. These were tears of joy however. "Thank you for making me so happy, Soul. You don't have to worry about letting me go because I'm already chained to you, I'm not losing someone who is as amazing as you in my life. You're an amazing friend, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us and everyone else." I smiled though I know he couldn't tell due to the fact that we were still hugging.
        "(Y/n)?..." Soul pulled his head back and I did the same. I was met with his beautiful crimson orbs that swirled like a sea of blood. We stared at each other like that for a few moments, just holding each other and looking into each other's eyes. Our faces were mere inches apart.
        I didn't really have a chance to say anything, nor did I really want to but Soul started to lean in towards me, removing his hand from my back and placing it gently upon my cheek. As we looked at each other, with Soul continuing to move closer, I couldn't help but feel like I was betraying a certain few other boys with my actions. But I couldn't take it, I really couldn't. Soul smashed his lips against mine with a roaring passion and I let him. I kissed back with equal passion, tangling my hands in his soft, white hair. While the guilt still lingered in my mind I knew I would make it up to them. Maybe this will help me solve my feelings... I really hope it does. Not for my sake, but for theirs.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now