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"Wh-what do you mean? You'll be fine, right? Y-you have to be.." I looked up, tears blurring my sight. He had a gentle smile on his face.

        "I-I don't quite know yet (y/n)..." He rubbed my back as I felt my heart break even more.

        "N-no. You have to be. I- I won't let you die, Connor! I won't!" I pulled back and stood uneasily on my feet. I felt my body swaying as I screamed my promise, "I swear, we will make Tora pay! She won't get away for doing this to you, I promise you that we will get her! You will be fine, and together we will hunt her down and take her soul!"

        "We'll help, if you'd like." Kid stepped beside me, placing an arm around me to steady my swaying body.

        "Yeah, Tora isn't going to get away with putting  you through this and hurting Connor." Soul stepped around to my other side.

        "Yipee! I'm gonna help too, (y/n)! We can all get that bit-" Star was cut off by a Maka chop.
        I turned my head to see Maka standing behind him holding a thick book, smiling kindly.

        "Hi (y/n). I thought you'd be here with them," She stepped towards the bed, "I could hear you screaming from outside... How are you Connor?" She looked down at my brownish orange haired partner.

        "I've been better," he chucked in a low tone.

        "I can tell... Here!" She held out her hand and handed him a cup filled with warm tea, "It should help with the pain."

        Connor brought the cup to his lips and drank the brown liquid down, "Thanks, Maka." He smiled weakly at her.

        "Mmm." She nodded just as Black*Star stood up from his place on the ground, where he had been laying unconscious.

        "What the hell was that for, Maka?!" He jumped up and down, screaming. She turned to him with the book still in hand.

        "You were being too loud. Think about how Connor is feeling, be quiet." She turned back to the bed, "If you even know how to do that..." She mumbled.

         "What?! You didn't hit (y/n) for being loud!" He motioned to me as I walked to the end of Connors bed, sighing as I sat at the end of it.

         "That's different, Black*Star." She sighed. He looked confused and as if he wanted to continue ranting on, but instead with one look over at me, he settled on mumbling and sinking down into a cushioned chair in the corner of the room.

           Seeing Connor laying like this, so weak and defenseless has brought me to a new level of appreciating him. I've always known that I needed him, and truly appreciated all he did for me, but right now, I feel like I owe him more than I ever have. I have to make sure that he never ends up like this again. No matter what. I don't care what I have to do, or who I have to kill.

          "Don't worry Connor... It will all be fine..." My hand twitched as I touched his leg through the covers. No one seemed to really notice except myself. Hoping that it was just my imagination, I smiled down at Connor, who looked back at me with a grim smile of his own.

        "I really hope you're right, (y/n). I really do."

        Just then, Stein walked into the room motioning us over to talk to him. I stood up slowly, and walked over to him along with the others.

        "I think that you should leave Connor to rest a little while. You can come back later, besides Kid your father still wants to see you." He tightened the screw in his head by turning it slightly. Just the sound itself made my skin crawl.

        Then again it seems everything I do, see, and hear makes my skin crawl now that Connor is injured.

        "Oh... okay..." I sighed, then turned back to Connor. I jogged over to his bed side and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him to my chest. "We have to go, to let you rest but I'll be back soon, okay?" I hugged him for what seemed like milliseconds but was actually minutes, until he shifted his body weight. Snapping me out of my trance. I pulled back to see him nod.

        "Okay (y/n)... I'll see you later. Stay outta trouble." He smiled, chuckling under his breath. I laughed with a real smile, then turned and ran back over to the others.

        "Alright Kid... Ready to see what your dad wants?" I asked as we stepped out into the halls of the DWMA.

        "Yes.. I suppose. Lets go, (y/n)." He grabbed my hand and we started walking off towards the Death Room.

        "We'll catch up with you guys later!" I called over my shoulder to them. I noticed Soul and Black*Star watching me closely as I walked away with Kid. Something in their eyes told me that they didn't like me being alone with Kid. And something in Kids eyes told me that he didn't care.

        When we reached the room Kid pushed the doors open and we strolled right in, without warning. "You wanted to see me father?" Kid asked as we got closer to his dad. I pulled my hand from his, slowly. Lord Death turned around, clapping his huge white hands together.

        "Hello, hello! Kiddo, I'm glad you've finally made it! And you brought (y/n) along with you... Excellent! I wanted to speak to you about your relationship with the lovely (y/n) today anyways so-" He was cut off by my abrupt interruption.

        "No, no! You seem to have misunderstood.. There is no relationship, we're just friends."

        "Friends with benefits?" He asked, head tilting to the side. I shook my head.

        "Just friends. Spirit misunderstood. We were playing truth or dare and Soul got revenge on us by making it seem as if we were having a threesome but I promise we weren't!" I took a deep intake of breath as Lord Death nodded in understanding.

        "Ahh, I see, well I will talk to him later about his mistake, thank you (y/n).. And Kid there was another reason I wanted to see you. You and Black*Star are needed for a mission out west. Can you gather Tsubaki, Liz, Patty and Black*Star. Your plane leaves in two hours so hurry along!"

        "Are you sure thats the best idea? I don't particularly get along with Star...." Kid mumbled looking at his dad.

        "Yes, yes I'm sure! You and him are two of the best. I would've chosen (y/n), but seeing as how her main partner is unable to help from an injury I doubt she would be as good. I also assume she wants to stay close to him..?" He looked to me for an answer. I nodded slowly in reply.

        Kid sighed, "Fine. I'll work with him. Bye father." I waved to Lord Death as we walked off.

        I couldn't tell because of the mask but I could swear that he was smiling.... I just had a feeling.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now