Let's Play

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Stein had told you that you were fine to go home whenever you wanted. Connor could almost read your mind it seemed because he dragged you out of the room and began walking heading towards your place.

  "You think it's her?" You asked in a quiet tone looking at the ground.

  "I- I have no clue (y/n). But I'll be there for you until the end," you could tell he thought it was but didn't want to say it. You sighed and walked the rest of the way in silence. Hoping that it really wasn't her.

  As soon as you walked in the door you headed straight into your room and laid down on the soft cushioned bed and covered yourself in the warm (f/c) blankets. You slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep filled with nothingness.

  "(Y/N). (Y/N)," a voice repeated.

  "What?" You grumbled holding a pillow over your head.

  "Soul is here. He wants to know if we want to go play basketball with him and the gang," Connor removed the pillow from your head slowly.

  "Hmm. Yea I guess. Just let me get dressed," you sat up in the bed and shoved Connor out the door.

You walked over to your closet and pulled out jean ripped shorts and a white tank top that buttoned up. You slipped it on and pulled out white and black high tops. Then you headed out of your room to see Soul and Connor waiting for you. You grabbed a grey over coat and headed out the door with Connor and Soul at your side. The three of you talked on the twenty minute walk to the court and got to know each other even more.

Soul had asked you about your mother and instantly regretted it when he saw a pained look in your expression. You would've answered him but the three of you reached the court and Black*Star ran up to you all declaring he would be the winner. You laughed and walked over to where Kid was trying to measure to see if the court was symmetrical enough.

  "So Kid. Is it?" You giggled nearing him even more.

  "Is what it?" He shot you a questioning look.

  "The basketball court symmetrical, silly," you laughed.

  "Hmm yes I believe it is," he did a final measurement before walking over to you. He seemed to be staring down at your chest before finally talking.

  "They seem to be symmetrical. But are they?" Kid continued to stare down at your chest.

  "Hey Kid, my eyes are up here and what's symmetrical?" You asked having no idea on what he was about to do. He reached out and grabbed both of your breasts.

  "Yep. They're symmetrical," he said calmly while slowly removing his hands.

  "What the hell was that for Kid?!" You screeched waving your hands about.

  "I was just making sure they're symmetrical," he replied casually. However your conversation was interrupted when Black*Star started hollering.

  "Who wants to be a team captain?" He shouted out.

  "I will," Soul raised his hand. Then you were voluntold to be the other team captain. So Soul chose Black*Star. Then you chose Kid. In the end the teams were Soul, Black*Star, Liz and Patty and yours was Kid, Connor, Tsubaki and you. Maka said that she wanted to sit out for the round. So you let her so the teams would be even.

It started as you passed the ball to Soul and he passed it back. You ducked between Black*Star and Soul and ran towards the net. You jumped up on your feet and dunked the ball. You smiled and passed the ball to Black*Star.

  "Let's play," you stole the ball from Black*Star and passed it to Kid. He ran at the net and shot. It rolled around a few times before falling over the side. You ran and caught it before anyone else grabbed it. You threw it up and it bounced off the back and went in. The game ended with your team winning 58-46. (Lmao I have no idea how sports work so we're just gonna with this kay?)

  You grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off your forehead.

  "You were pretty good," Soul called behind you reaching past you and grabbing a bottle of water.

  "Thanks. So were you," you placed the towel back on the bench and turned to face him. He held the bottle out to you, you reached forward and grabbed it taking a drink and handing it back.

  Maka's POV~

  "They almost look like a couple over there, don't they?" I looked over to Tsubaki. We had been watching (y/n) and Soul. It seemed like Soul, Kid, and Black*Star had all grown closer to her or something.

  "Yea. But if (y/n) ends up with any of them I think it's gonna be Black*Star," Tsubaki nodded towards her meister.

  "Nuh uh. It's gonna be Kid. They have so much chemistry and would make an adorable couple!" Liz squealed behind me.

  I turned to look at them both, "Personally I think it's gonna be Soul. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

  3rd person POV~

*Timeskip to the next morning*

  You bolted out of bed screaming as Connor ran into your room.

  "(Y/N)?! Oh was it the dream again?" He sighed as you nodded. Without saying anything he pulled you close and hugged you. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes before you pulled apart and you shoved him out of the room to get dressed. You quickly pulled on a grey skirt with turquoise lines going through it making squares, a red sweater vest with a black circle in the middle of it, a white tie under it, black thigh high socks and a long black coat with a red bow you tied with the strings. You brushed out your hair and headed out into the kitchen. You passed on food saying you weren't in the mood for eating. Which was true. Your dream disgusted you.

  As you got to class a man with red hair bumped into you and Connor.

"Oh I'm sorry-" the man looked you up and down and gushed over you.

  "Ohh you're so pretty! Don't tell me he's your boyfriend you could do better! How about me for instance?" The man was suddenly hit over the head with a book, 'Maka...' You thought as she stepped out from behind the man holding a book. You giggled and waved at her and Soul. The four of you walked to class leaving Maka's dad lying on the ground unconscious.

  As soon as you walked into the classroom Stein told you that Lord Death wanted to see you again. You turned and headed out of the class with Connor trailing beside you.

  "What do you think he wants this time? You don't think it's about Tora do you?" You frantically rushed down the halls.

  "Calm down (y/n). I'm sure it's nothing... I hope."

  When you got into the death room you waved over to Lord Death.

  "Hiya! What did you want to see us about?" You asked.

  "Don't worry. It's not about her. I just want to send you out on your first mission! It's in Canada so you better pack warmly. It's winter there, I also recommend you bring someone like Black*Star with you considering it's your first mission."

  You nodded thanking the death lord. Just as you were about to exit the door you heard lord death call out behind you, "Oh! And you leave tonight!"

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now