Fighting the Star

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"Let's go."

  Black*Star ran at you with his fists held up. You stood there letting him punch you in the face. Everyone watching stared at you in shock.

  "What is she doing?!" Maka cried out watching the fight. Stein smirked, "No weapons are to be used correct? I believe she's using a loop hole."

  You then jumped up over him as he swung his leg to kick you. You landed behind him on your feet. You could've ended it there with your soul wavelength but you wanted to fight a little more. Just as he could've ended it with his. You checked your face. 'Perfect..' You were bleeding. Before Black*Star could turn around you disappeared into a nearby tree.

  "Bloody needle," you whispered and watched as your blood shoot out and hit Black*Star. You smirked and jumped down from the tree.  Black*Star staggered a bit from your strike and regained himself.

  He looked up and suddenly disappeared. You looked all around for him but found him nowhere. Until you heard him screaming behind you. But it was then too late for he smashed his hand into your back pushing his soul wavelength to hit you. You fell forward on your hands and knees. His wavelength was a bit stronger than you anticipated. You looked behind you to see him about go smash his foot into your back. You grabbed his foot just as it was about to push down on your back and sent your soul wavelength through his body. He collapsed next to you. Blood dripped down his face as it did yours. Somehow the blood was symmetrical to Kids liking.

  You stood up and brushed off your jeans. Which now had a new rip in them. You looked down at Black*Star and flung his body over your shoulder, carrying him to the rest of the group.

Everyone congratulated you on winning the fight and mentioned how strong you were. Stein even said he wanted to dissect you again. You simply glared at him, "No. Not until I dissect you," you copied his creepy grin getting him to back off for a while. You noticed a pink haired boy had joined the group. You walked up to him slowly and introduced yourself.

  "Hi. I'm (y/n). Who are you? I haven't met you yet."

  "I-I'm Cr-Crona. I- I don't really know how to d-deal with meeting people yet..." He stuttered looking out to his side holding his arm.

    'Awww he's so kawaii!!' You screamed in your head but on the outside you knew that he was shy so you tried to keep quiet, "Well that's okay. I'm sure you'll learn soon enough Crona," he smiled just a bit as this black thing with an x like thing on it's face and white circular eyes with x's on them.

  "Crona why are you being so quiet?! This hotty is talking to you! You're so dumb Crona!" It started picking on him. Just then yours popped out of your back.

  "Claireeee," you whined.

  "(y/nnnn)," she mimicked, "I didn't know that there was something else like me out there," she mumbled.

  "Excuse you! I think you mean someone like me! I wear the pants in this relationship. Without me there wouldn't be a you," you tilted your head back to look at the thing on your back. Crona and the other black blood weapon who's name you did not yet know stood there and looked at you kinda shocked.

  "(y-y/n). Your blood is black too?" Crona stared at you fumbling his words.

  "Yea. And my mother had me eat the souls of weapons to create this," you pointed to your back.

  "I'm Ragnorak! Got any candy?"

  "Umm. Sadly no. Claire ate it all. I'll bring you some later though alright?" You smiled at Ragnorak. He cheered and went back into Cronas body. You noticed Claire wasn't leaving so you found what seemed to be her shoulders and pushed her back into your body.

  "Wh-what? How did you do that?"

  "Hmm. It's easy. You just push them back into your shoulders. If you want I'll show you sometime," you told Crona. He smiled and you turned to face Kid with Liz and Patty by his side.

  "(Y/N). Me and the gang wanted to have a party to welcome you and your weapon Connor to the academy."

  "Really? That'd be great! Just tell me the time and address and we'll be there!" You cheered, "Oh wait. Let me guess. 8 o clock right? Because of eights symmetry," you observed.

  "Yea. I'll have Liz and Patty give you the address later," he smiled at you. An as if to queue his exit the bell went off signally classes to being again. You walked off to class thinking about what you were going to wear to the party later on.

*Le timeskip brought to you by headaches*

  You walked home with Connor and started to run around the house like a maniac starting to get ready. First you walked into the bathroom and brushed your hair and teeth again. After that you went into your room and walked into the closet. You already knew what dress you were going to wear. It wasn't fancy at all. It was a simple tight dress that went to about mid thigh. It had a space print on it that snugged up against your body showing off all your curves. Over it you put on a simple black cardigan that hung off your shoulders. You slid back into your vanity table and put on a light natural eyeshadow and a little bit of lip gloss. You looked at yourself in the mirror, 'perfect,' you thought when you saw your reflection. The dress made your (e/c) eyes pop. You fixed up your hair again and checked the time. '7:15' it read. You decided to slip on your shoes. They were heels that looked like sneakers. The were black and had black laces going through them. The bottom of the shoe was decorated in a gold metal. You walked out into the living room to see if Connor was there. Sure enough he was. Sitting there changed into a nice new white shirt and pair of black skinny jeans.

  "You ready Connor?"

  "Yea. Let's go. Oh and by the way. You look good tonight," he stood up and walked towards you.

  "Well thank you. You look good tonight too."

You arrived at exactly 8pm. Thankfully due to Kids craze about symmetry. You knocked on the door eight times and waited for an answer.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now