Spin the 7 Minutes

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You reached over and spun the bottle and waited. Until it finally came to a stop on...

   Kid. You looked up and your (e/c) eyes met with his golden ones. A light blush covered your face. You scooted over to him and sat in front of him.

  "Hi Kid.."

  "Hello (y/n)," you looked over and saw Connor laughing at you. You smirked and grabbed Kids collar and pulled him in. You planted your lips against his. Your lips molded together for about 10 seconds until Connor coughed.

    "Get a room you two," you laughed and pulled away. You then fixed Kids jacket and moved back to your spot by Soul and Black*Star.

  "Big sis! You should go next!" So then Liz spun and it landed on Crona. She moved over and gave him a quick kiss before moving back to her seat. Next went Black*Star who spun and it landed on Maka. The two kissed quickly and what seemed like kinda awkwardly. Patty spun it next and it landed on... You!

The two of you blushed before Patty giggled, "Come here (y/n)!"

You moved over to her and the two of you shared a quick peck. You looked back to see that Soul had fallen over with a nosebleed, as had Black*Star.

'Jeez, are boys just pervs or something?'

Then Soul went and it landed on... You again! You turned beside you and noticed he was grinning his shark tooth grin. You smirked and put your hands on his shoulders. He leaned in and claimed your lips with his. You felt him grab your waist and pull you closer and deepen the kiss. You were interrupted by Connor pulling you two apart.

  "Stay away from my meister!" He wrapped his arms around you protectively.

  "Not cool," Soul mumbled under his breath.

  Then it was Cronas turn and it landed on Tsubaki. Tsubaki blushed a light pink and leaned in to kiss him. After 2 or so seconds they pulled back blushing a light pink.

  "Ooo! We should play another game! Like 7 minutes in heaven!" Patty cried out in excitement.

  "Yea! And I the almighty Black*Star will join in!"

  "NO!! 8! Make it 8 minutes in heaven! 7 is a despicable number!!" Kid fell to the floor begging.

  "8 minutes it is then!" You clapped your hands together and the boys stood up to put something in a pillow case Patty brought out of nowhere.

  'Seriously where is she getting all this stuff?' You thought to yourself as Maka drew Kids two rings.

  "And if you're really crazy and brave you'll stay in there all night!" Soul said back to them. Maka turned around and Maka chopped him before going in the closet with Kid.

  8 minutes later the two walked out saying that all they did was talk about symmetry. Then it was your turn. You stuffed your hand into the bag and pricked your finger on something sharp, "Shit! Who put a throwing star in here?" You pulled out the star as the blood began to harden; closing your wound.

  "Me! C'mon (y/n)! We're going all night because a big star like me never backs down from a challenge!!" He picked you up and threw you over his shoulders. Dragging you into the closet. After you were forced into the closet you heard the door lock behind you.

  "Alright you two have until 6am! Have fun!" A voice called through the door.

  "Don't I have a say in this?!" You screamed back.

  "Nope!" Patty giggled. You sighed and walked forward with your arms stretched out in front of you trying to find a wall to sit against or a light switch. Instead you felt your hand land against something warm and hard.

  "Black*Star? Is that you?" You placed your other hand on the surface and moved them farther to find his shoulders.

  "Yea, you know what we're supposed to do in here. Right?" You couldn't see but you knew he was smirking.

  "Y-yea. I do. You're suppose to kiss and if you're in here longer than do more than that. Or you can sit and talk. Or sleep. But mainly the reason you're put in a cl-" you were cut off by Black*Star pressing his lips to yours. He turned around and shoved you against the wall and continued kissing you. After a few seconds you melted into the kiss and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and deepened the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

  "You better not be doing anything with my meister in there mister!!" Your protective weapon shouted through the door.

  "Wouldn't dream of it," Black*Star said back to him through the door.

  You laughed as he lowered his head back down and kissed you again. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance which you denied. He slid his left arm down and placed it on the inside of your thigh causing you to gasp. He took the chance and slithered his tongue into your mouth. The two of you fought for dominance but for once he won against you. For once. He explored your mouth and began to lay you on the ground.

  "N-no. I want to know someone better before doing anything like that," you sat up now on his lap after he sat you there. He nodded his head, "I get it, you just can't handle a big star like me yet!" He smiled pointing at himself, "Yea sure that's it," you giggled.

  For the next hour the two of you just talked and got to know each other a bit better and then you slowly fell asleep.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now