Mission One: I Failed?

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As the day came to an end (y/n) and Connor had already mentioned to Black*Star about the trip to Canada for the mission and he agreed to go on it with you two. So you and Connor headed home to pack. When you got in the door you grabbed a suitcase and began to fill it up. You packed jeans and sweaters along with long sleeved shirts. You quickly changed into a pair of line green skinny jeans and a yellow long sleeve v-neck with a golden design going up it. You slipped on a pair of black combat boots with fuz on the inside and grabbed a black long coat that buttoned up and had a black fabric part that if you buttoned it up it covered up to your nose so you wouldn't need a scarf. Then you grabbed a black winter hat and a pair of white mittens and headed out to meet Black*Star at the airport.

  As you neared the place where you were to get on the plane you didn't see any sign of Black*Star. Instead you saw Crona.

  "Crona? Hi," you walked towards the pink haired boy smiling.

  "H-hi (y/n). B-Black*Star said he couldn't go so h-he asked if I'd go for him.. S-sorry.." Crona mumbled looking everywhere besides at you.

  "It's fine Crona. You don't need to apologize, c'mon. Let's go kishin hunting!" You giggled running towards the plane pulling Crona and Connor behind you. The plane ride there was about 15 hours so you listened to your music and slept for almost the whole ride there.

  You woke up when you felt someone poking your shoulder, "What?" You glared at Connor opening one eye, "We're almost there," you nodded and noticed that your head was leaning on Crona, "Oops! Sorry Crona," you quickly sat up in your seat and looked out the window. When you looked out the window you saw a small village coated in snow and ice. Little crystal like snow flakes falling from the grey sky.

  "I-it's fine (y/n). I- I didn't really mind," Crona looked at you shyly. You giggled and smiled kindly at him. Shortly later the plane landed and you stepped out into the cold.

  Your feet crunched in the snow as the three of you walked. Your job was to find the three kishin that were terrorizing the village in the northern part of Canada. You all walked until you came to a small inn. Once inside you saw people sitting around tables drinking liquor or eating some kind of food. Needless to say this was a bar with rooms to stay in.

You sighed in disgust as one of the drunk men came up to you while you were asking a man at the counter if he had a room that the three of you could stay in until you found the kishins. The man fell on top of you and made up some excuse about needing to watch where he was going.

You growled and shoved him off of you, "Yea you probably should watch where you're going so people don't kill you," Connor growled stepping beside you.

You heard Crona mumble, "I don't know how to deal with this.." You smiled inside at his childlike ways.

  "Whatever dude. I was talking to little missy over here," Connor pushed the mans hand away as it reached for you, "This 'little missy' is my meister and I won't let you touch her. Back off," the man slowly backed away and the man at the desk handed you a key to your rooms. You all were in the same room because he only had the one left which was fine. You placed your bag on the bed and thanked Connor for helping you out. You all decided to get a little rest before 12:00am when the kishins were known to attack.

  It was 11:00 when you heard some shuffling in the room. You sat up and opened your eyes to see Crona walking around muttering to himself. You smiled at the sight and sat up, "Hey Crona. Connor. Wake up!" You shook your partners side and he bolted up off of the couch. You laughed and put on your coat and combat boots. You slipped on a pair of black gloves and buttoned up the fabric part of your coat so it covered the bottom part of your face.

Black Blooded Daughter (Reader x Kid x Soul x Black*Star x Crona)Where stories live. Discover now