i dont mean to shut u out

16 3 2

I hate feeling closed off

I shut everyone out without a real reason

I don't mean to do it, but I don't have it in me to stop it and fix myself

It sucks because real people who care for me notice

And I want them to know it isn't their fault

It's mine...

I get into this mindset that shields me from the world and believes my life will be better with no one else in it

I hate myself for it

Because I'm supposed to be surrounded by people who genuinely care for me to help me regain that mental state I was once in

But I can't focus on the present

I'm stuck in my own mind and trapped in this never ending cycle of self pity

And as much as people try to get me out of it, I'm the only one who can

I'm the only one who can break myself from this mold my mind put me in

I need to break free from the hate and negativity my mind goes through

I need to be better for myself

Or I'll end up losing everyone...

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