remember me fondly

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I hear the wind calling my name
Telling me to move on, to move on from you

So here I am with my bags packed, ready to leave without your goodbye

Do you truly care?
Do you care if I leave without a trace
Will my presence be missed by you
Or am I just a distant memory

I often think about what your doing
How your life is going
But then I hear the wind and the soft rain on the concrete telling me to move on

Telling me to let the current of your absence wash away, along with the memories...

I hope that your well
But that's all I hope for
I don't wish to see you again
I've moved on

I've taken my bags and finally let myself be carried away by the wind, not looking back

I hope you remember me fondly, because those memories are the only thing that will be left of what was you and me...

DreamlandΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα