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It's weird, I think about death and ways to die so much I start to forget to take care of myself. Like eating healthier, exercise, getting enough sleep.

When thinking about life I don't have a solid plan. I'm just going with the flow. I think that nothing can happen to me even though half my thoughts are about death and when I'm going to die.

It scares me some days...and others it doesn't.

It's kinda morbid to think about not gonna lie. But it's my brain, and I can't help the running thoughts that flow in and out of my mind.

I sometimes picture different scenarios on how I'm going to die, who gets affected, if anyone would miss me.

I almost want to live my life so badly I forget that I actually have a life ahead of me...and I need to take care of this body now in order to live the life I want to fulfill.

I forget sometimes that I'm not going to be a kid forever. That shit does happen, it isn't just in my head.

I sometimes get caught in the world I made in my head...It's so weird that I think about death often but I don't think anything is going to happen to me.

I think about death a lot...more than I should.

I have to stop living in what could happen and start living in the now or I will never be able to live...

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