Chapter 17

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                “She blamed me, like always

                Screwing my eyebrows together, I looked at Seif in confusion. He looked at the floor in guilt. Was he really believing it was his fault?

“But it’s not?” I said in statement tone more than a question of confusion.

“Yes, it is.” He whispered, guilt showing on his face.

                “No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry.” Mahi said in a shaky voice. She was close to tears again.

                “It’s not your fault, Mahi. I shouldn’t have left you guys alone.” He sighed hugging her and letting her cry into his shirt.

                I couldn’t get his mother. Why would she blame him for an accident he wasn’t even near? Why would she blame anyone for that matter? Ali just ran off for a second, it happens. It was no one’s fault.

                 She just made her kids feel horrible for something that was out of their control.

                I opened my mouth to say something to Mahi to make her and Seif both feel better, to assure them that it wasn’t their fault but I stopped midway and shut my mouth closed again when I noticed Seifs’ parents coming out of the room his little brother was in.

                They came walking to us slowly and I got a chance to have a better look at both of them.

                Seif’s dad looked so much like him. He had the same dark brown eyes, long thin pointed nose and even the same eyebrows shape. The only difference was the grey hair that covered his head and a bit of his beard, and maybe the few wrinkles under his eyes. Other than that he looked exactly like Seif.

                His mother on the other hand looked nothing like him. She was a bit short and a little chubby. She had a round face and sharp hazel eyes which shoot daggers in my directions, making me gulp in fear like I did something wrong. She had an uneasy vibe about her.

                “What is she still doing her?” His mother said rudely in English, making sure I understood I was unwanted.

                “She was checking on Ali, mom.” Seif’s voice was low and his gaze was fixed on the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

                “Well, He’s okay now. Thank you."His father answered with a small polite smile which I replied awkwardly not knowing what to say next.

                His mother started talking in Arabic again and I looked around awkwardly as if I was interested in the walls or something but I caught on the way she looked at me. It was like she was talking down to me, well, about me.

                Saved by the ringing, I felt my phone vibrate in my purse so I excused myself from that awfully awkward situation to answer.

                “Seif, um, I have to go.” I said hesitantly.

                “Yeah, okay. Thank you, Maggie. See you in Uni?” He asked hurriedly noticing my vibrating phone in my hand.

                “Yeah, in sha’ allah.” I smiled, “Bye, Mahi.” I waved at her and left quickly sighing.

                “Hello?” I answered on the last ring, not checking my caller ID as always.

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