Chapter 51

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My heart was still slightly pounding in my chest. That nightmare was still haunting me even though I was going on with my day like nothing happened.

It was too strange. Just how real and vivid it felt made me scared. I woke up at around 4 AM because of it yesterday and here I am almost nine hours later, my eyelids were nowhere close to being closed.

I tried my best to forget about it but whenever I had a second to myself, my mind keeps making me recall it making my heart rate increase just a little bit in my chest.

"Hey there." Seif scared me even though he barely even whispered the words.

My heart rate picked up and I felt like panting without even making any kind of effort. I just looked at him while trying to calm myself down.

"Is everything alright?" He asked with concern as I noticed we were the last two in class.

"No, yeah. Everything is fine." I said avoiding his eyes. I didn't want to worry him with my silly dream anyway. I got up collecting my things and got up to walk to our next lecture, then I realized that this was the last one.

He followed me like I had expected, "It's just, you've been distracted throughout the whole lecture. Not to mention your face seemed like you were disturbed about something."

Deciding to go join the squad, I headed to our chilling spot under the tree. "It's nothing. Really." I insisted still not looking at his face. I knew if he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, I would just tell him and he would be worried about me.

"Well, if there was something you would tell me, right?" He asked his voice seeming not fully convinced with my words but he didn't push me which I was thankful for.

"Of course." I pulled on a tight lipped smile stopping in my tracks just a few feets from our destination to check my phone. Zayn said he would call me about some news after he was done with his interview. I didn't want to answer it around everyone if it was Zayn. They would tease me too much and I wasn't in the mood for anything today.

Checking my caller Id, I furrowed my eyebrows noticing it was Trisha. That was odd. She rarely ever called me. "Hello?"

"Maggie, Darling, how are you?" She said in her usual sweet voice.

"I'm good Trisha. How are you?" I replied politely still very confused to why she had called me.

"I'm very well, dear. Thank you. I know you are probably in uni now, but I'm hoping I'm not interrupting anything." She said not giving anything away, only making me worried now.

"Not at all." I assured her.

"Good, I won't take long of your time anyway. I was just wondering if you took a look at the email I sent you the other day." Sighing, I knew what she was talking about. Trisha had been sending numerous pictures of ideas for the wedding and even some links for open houses near her. I tried to be as polite as I could about it and just pretend like I had checked everything she had sent, but to be fair I hadn't even spare them a glance.

"Sorry, Trisha. I was busy with school." I replied politely.

"Kendra thought you might be. That's why we thought it would be better if we just all went there in your next visit." She said making me drop my mouth open. What the hell was my mom and Trisha up to now?

"I don't know, Trisha." I tried to decline the plans they had set up for me. I was almost sure whatever those plans were, they were no good.

"We already made reservations. Don't you worry your head with anything." She assured me but little did she know she was trapping me.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant