Chapter 85

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  Ella's disappearance the other day was a bit suspicious, she was in that 'bathroom' for more than twenty minutes and when I asked if everything was alright she just brushed it off with a smile and a yeah.

  Something wasn't right but I had no proof but a hunch in my gut telling me Ella didn't just move in the city cause she felt like a burden on my parents. That job she had barely gave her money to help with the grocery. How she was going to pay a deposit for an apartment was beyond me.

  Thinking this way about my best friend was horrible. I hated how suspicious I was getting. At the end of the day, Ella was my best friend who was manipulated to stay in an abusive relationship for a long time with no one around her she could trust. Perhaps she needed to talk a walk by her old place or make a call to Nadia telling her how much she missed her and her friends rather than the family birthday gathering I dragged her to.

  Yeah, that was probably it.

  A distraction, I disparately needed one cause if I kept thinking that way I would end up in a depressed stated feeling alone with no friends I could trust, and I would even get to the point of thinking that Zayn was only with me out of pity. That he didn't really like me.

  I hate getting in that state of mind, the loneliness is so consuming. And al hamdulillah it had been months since I last stooped to that low. I did not want to go back there.

  Speaking of which, just to be reassured, maybe I should text Zayn.

  'Hope Paris is alright. Miss you loads my Jaan.'

  That was cute, I hope he notices how I copied his aunties with the whole Jaan thing. I thought it was too cute how they always called him Jaan. Maybe he would even giggle at that. He had the cutest manly giggle ever.

  "What are you doing loser?" Ella burst into my room. I guess privacy is a privilege now.

  "Nothing." I shrugged locking my phone and leaving it on it's face.

  "That sounds like fun." She was being sarcastic as she sat down and started playing with my locked phone, "What's your passcode?"

  "Excuse me?" I chuckled, that's an odd request. I've lived with Aaroosa and Waliyha for almost a year now and we never asked for each other's passwords for anything.

  "I just want to check safari, mine is charging in the other room." She spoke like it was the most normal thing ever, and perhaps I was blowing this out of proportion but I just didn't feel comfortable with that.

  This feeling is probably because of my insecure subconscious but just to be safe, I took my phone from her and opened it using my finger print then opened the safari page before giving it to her.

  "You got a juicy secret or something on there? Naked pictures?" She gasped giving me a wink.

  Hitting her shoulder, I glared at her "No, what's wrong with you? I'm not about that."

  "Why not? The man travels most of the time and is always surrounded by girls throwing themselves at him." She argued so casually making me a bit worried but I never would admit that I was insecure about that.

  "Zayn will never cheat. I trust him." I said firmly. It might have came a bit defensive but I didn't really care. Zayn would never hurt me like that.

  "I like your self confidence but I mean, if you don't put out there are others willing to." She shrugged like it was the most normal thing ever for my fiancé to cheat on me.

  "Seriously?" I rolled my eyes and just stood up ready to leave her alone cause she was getting on my nerve.

  "Wait, alright I won't talk about that no more."  She grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back to sit on the bed.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now