Chapter 44

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Not drinking my morning cup of tea makes me really crancky. And being on this bus for two and half hour doesn't really help at all.
I wanted to pass the time with anything really as the more I just sit there with nothing to do, the more I realize I actually hate bus rides.
people are chatting or having little snacks while I'm just here not being able to do either.
Taking a deep breath, I decided to distract myself with my phone. Its the best methode tl get away from my surroundings at this moment.
Opening my Whats'a app, I decided to talk to Zayn and see whats he up to today.
'Please tell me you are here. I woke up really early and now I'm stuck in a bus cranky and hungry and I still have 11 hours of fasting left '
Sending my message, I went through my contacts to see whoelse is online since Zayn was taking his sweet time replying me.
No one was online. What a surprise!
8 AM on the first day of fasting. Not a good time to talk to people.
There was one person online though but I was a bit hesitate to talk to her. I mean sure we were considered friends again but I still had my walls pretty high.
Staring at her black and white face in the picture, her lips were all over Erik's and that made me feel uneasy, my thumb hoovered over her status and I was contemplating whether or not I should talk to her.
It wasnt like I needed to talk to her about something, i was just really bored and having nothing to do made me a bit hungry and a lot thirsty. Maybe if I busied myself with something the time would fly by and I wouldn't be such a mess.
The idea was still floating my mind when I noticed she was 'typing'. My heart literally stopped. What the hell? Was she stalking me? How did she know I wanted to talk to her?
Before I could even beat myself up thinking of all the possibilities, I got a new message from her.
Taking a deep breath, I opened it.
'Ramadan Kareem . Why are you up this early? Thought Ramadan was the time you only woke up at night .'
A small smile blastered on my face. It was a nice simple message. She was being sweet and funny yet considerate. She was being the old Ella I grew up with before she stabbed me in the back with a thousand knives.
'Allah Akram. Thank you ☺. Lol, yeah but I have to get to York early. Mother -.-'
Sending that message felt like the old days when we texted all the time yet it made me a bit heavy hearted. I can't lie and say I dont miss having a best friend. Someone to tell all my secrets and share all my feelings with, cause I do. I really do.
I cant deny having Tasneem every new and then is nice, and having Zayn is amazing to just get things out of my mind, and ofcourse having Seif is a blessing. I'm just me all the time around him. Yet I still miss having a person.

Hearing my mother calling my name made me perk up immediately. She said she wont bother me until it was the Azan time.
And indeed it was, "Maggie? Can you help me set up the table?"
Getting out of the bed, I lazily stretched my limbs and put my hair up in a lazy bun. It feels like ever since I started wearing the hijab I never put my hair down anymore.
"Maggie!" My mother called me for the second time.
"Coming!" I yelled back rolling my eyes. She has no patience what so ever.
Walking down the stairs, I heard music coming out of Nadia's room. I knocked on her door and peked my head inside, "Come set the table with me."
"I'm too tired." She said without taking her eye off her phone.
"We all are. Now come so we can finish before the Azan." I insisted knowing fully well that Nadia probably did a little cheat during the day and she slep around two thirds of the day so there was no way in hell she was tired. But I decided to not say anything to her. I could be a good example without the horribly long lecture that only makes things worse.
"But," She was about to come up with another lame excuse but I interrupted her by holding her hand and dragging her out of the bed, "What the," She almost fell put of her bed, "God Maggie. Im coming. You dont have to be so violent. This is abuse." She teased me.
"More like animal cruelty. Now move you fat bum, you cow." I teased her back pushing her to her feet a little to hard that she tripped and fell on the floor, face first, making a loud thud noise.
Her hair was all over the place, her legs spread in a weird way and her nose smashed on the floor. I couldn't stop myself from bursting out, laughing at how funny she looked. Especially that shocked expression on her face once she helped herself up. I wanted to apologise but I was laughing too hard.
"You!" She yelled then got up to her feet.
My eyes widened when I realized what she was about to do and before she got a chance to get on her feet, I started bolting down to the kitchen hearing her loud footsteps behind me trying to catch me. "You twat! I cant believe you just." She tripped on the last step down the stairs but caught herself before she fell face first again.
I burst out again whilst running to hide behind my mom who jumped when she saw me running towards her laughing like a maniac.
"Maggie, I've been calling you-"
"Maggie! I'm going to kill you!" She yelled trying to get behind mom to get to me but i held on mom's shoulder and spinned her around with me still behind her back.
"Its not my fault you are blind." I said trying to stop my giggles.
"Me? You are the one who tripped, twat." She said in frustration trying to get to me to hit me back.
"Girls," Mom tried to stop us but we circled around her. Me behind her back and Nadia in front of her trying to get to me but failing as I used mom as a human sheild between us. "Girls! Stop it! What the hell is going on?"
We both started to yell-explain the situation at the same time. Ovelapping one another.
"Nadia was being a brat sitting on her bum the whole day,"
"I was minding my own business in my room."
"I told her to come help sit up the table but she refused."
"She dragged me by my leg from the bed."
"I gently pushed her from the bed to get her up."
"And I fell hitting my face. It really hurt."
"She tripped and fell then started chasing me and fell again!"
"She laughed after pushing me off the bed."
"She is blind why is my fault?"
"Girls!" She shouted making the both of us quiet down. "You are both grown ups now. Can you please start acting accordingly?"
"She started it!" Nadia was quick to point fingers.
"Its not my problem you are clumsy idiot." I defended.
"Is that the Azan Im hearing?" My dad came down to the dinning area and we all stopped fighting knowing fully well how angry he gets if he saw us having a little knicker.
"The food is ready just let me set the rest of the table since these two cant handel a simple task." My mom rushed to the kitchen to being the rest of the plates, "God only knows how one of them is going to college next year and the other is getting married." She mumbled to herself loud enough to make us feel guilty, and succeeding at it as well. We dragged our legs to help her set the table, giving each other funny looks, well i did while Nadia gave me death glares but I just laughed as always.
Once the clock striked 8 PM, mom started filling our plates with food while we all gulped down big glasses of water.
After eating date, my dad got up to go pray Maghrib. He always prayed alone and never asked any of us to join. I dont know if it was beacause of my mom or he just didn't like to announce his prayers but either way
I never minded till now.
"Are you going to pray?" I asked my dad getting up.
"Yeah." He said not really paying attention.
"Can you be my Imam?" I asked following him. He stopped giving me a look he never gave to me before. One of pride.
"Yeah." He said with a gentle smile.
After praying together we both joined mom and Nadia on the table. "Dad are we going to Maryam's Wedding after Eid?" Nadia asked once we sat down.
"If you want." He said not really paying attention as he munched down a samosa.
"What do you mean, if we want? Aren't you coming?" My mom raised an eyebrow.
"If I'm in town." He shrugged.
"Ibrahim always invite you to his family events and you never go. People are starting to think you two havent settled your differences." Mom argued.
Ibrahim was one of the first people my dad knew in the UK. They lived together and shared everything even a job at a local auditing company. They were the true meaning of a brother from another mother.
But when Ibrahim got a chance to be promoted on the expense of my father he didnt even hesitate. Knowing fully well that my dad was getting married and needed the money.
Since that day they were no longer friends. Ibrahim always was jealous of my father. When my father met Ella's dad and they decided to open a new company together which with hard work blossomed into one of the biggest shipping companies in the UK, Ibrahim resigned from his current position to open a company competing with my fathers.
When my dad married a british woman, he spread rumors in the muslim community about my dad converting.
Even his daughters always competed with us. Last thing happened was when Aliyah got addicted and I was hospitalised. Then both men settled their difference and called it a truce as the result was in no ones favour.
"People are always going to make up scenarios, Kendra." My dad said a bit annoyed.
"Yeah but we shouldnt give them a reason to, Saeed."
Sighing, my dad put down his fork that was still stapping a piece of chicken, "What do you want me to do about it?"
"Come with us, force a few smiles then leave." Mom urged. She ways cared too much about what people thought. And in a community like the arab community, that only meant one thing. Never getting any rest. People always found flaws and pointed fingers if the flaws were theres.
"Tell you what, we will invite him to Maggie's wedding. That should show my good intentions, wouldnt you recken?" My dad said concentrating on his food once again.
"God only knows when that would happen." Mom said making me raisr an eyebrow at her, "I dont mean it like that, sweety. I just mean you two are so concentrated on your schedules that you havent even planned anything yet."
"We arent rushing things." I said a little too defensive.
"And you shouldn't! We dont even know the lad probably." My dad said finishing off his plate.
"You do know him, dad." I rolled my eyes at how dramatic my dad was being.
"Meeting the lad once and talking to him on the phine three times doesnt count as knowing him, Maggie. He is going to be my son inlaw. I need to know what he is made of." My dad sat up to go wash his hand as he mumbled an 'Al hamdulillah'.
The words came out of my dad's mouth like any other. But the way he said it made me know he wasnt okay with whats going on.
And come to think about it, he was right. I dont think he ever had a decent conversation with Zayn before. But to be fair, i know it wasnt anything Zayn could've prevented from happening. He had been working all the time. I dont even see him that much. If it wasnt for lur daily calls and texts, we wouldnt have known anything abouy one another.
I just hope my dad doesnt hold that aganist him.

Another filler? Blaaaah.
If any of you have an idea to spark up the events please do say it. Im stuck with this lame phase of no action and no drama
P.s i love all of your votes and comments. You have no idea how much it makes me happy to know you still support the story even though im a horrible updater.
I love you my beauts to the moon and back ❤❤

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