Chapter 77

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"Hola, chao." Jawaad chanted cheerfully at passerby's chuckling as Nadia mimicked him with her own chanting of the word 'Gracies'.

We laughed at their goofiness, as the people on the street smiled and tried to chat with them thinking they had picked up a few Italian words and wanted to try them out. It was really amusing watching them act out, they were being such 'tourists' as Marco had called them.

Today we were going to Verona for some more sightseeing. It was tiring wake up real early as the road was rather long especially after yesterday's yacht night which had runout to be a long night ending at almost midnight.

For the length of the whole evening I had spent exactly ten minutes with Zayn alone. The first ten minutes of the day before my dad stole him away for 'tea'. Followed by sitting next to hom at dinner, even after he wanted to accompany him throughout the night if it weren't for Ella deciding to save Zayn's ears and made us play some games to make the night more fun.

Trying my best to have a little conversation with Zayn to try and know what he and my father talked about all that time. But failed miserably as my father didn't let me or Zayn out of his sight all the time. They honestly had nothing in common, well but for me obviously, but that's what I actually dreaded.

I mean what could they be saying? Would my father try to find out more about what Zayn and I spend our time with?would Zayn be hearing about my childhood embarrassing stories?, I doubt the later though, thats my mother's speciality.

Then what? And was everyday going to be like this? My father and Zayn chatting and Im left to spend my time alone?

That was not why we came here in the first place.

"Right, now we head to Juliet house. A place for the broken hearted ones." Marco tutted a little too dramatically but then he continued, "But all great love stories have great falls, I guess thats why they seek Juliet's help."

"Juliet? The one who killed herself for her lover?" Nadia asked confused as we got out of the car and stared walking after Marco.

"How would she help anyone? She couldn't even help herself." Jawaad snickered.

"She had no one to help her, thats why she she is helping others. To prevent the horrible ending she faved from happening again." Marco said taking a turn and we followed.

"Thats a bit dramatic, don't you think? I mean, not everyone is going to kill themselves." Ella said.

"True, but losing true love might as well be like a death sentence." He replied with a heavy small as he came to a complete stop in front of a beautiful house.

"How does she help them?" I got intrigued, not only the subject but by Marco's passion as well.

"They write letters with their problems then leave it here. A while later, they get a reply with a solution." He said pointing to one wall of the house which had letters upon letters tapped on it.

"Who reply to all of them?" My mom was the one to ask this time.

"Why are you asking Mrs. S? Want to send a letter?" Jawaad teased my mother.

"She wants to find a solution for your desperate case, Jay." Nadia replied instead of mom teasing Jawaad back.

"Yeah, a lost english boy in desperate need for love, will he ever find it?" Waliyha joined in making fun pulling her cousins leg a bit.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz