Chapter 73

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  "I don't get it." Waliyha said for the fourth or fifth time today and we only been on this study session for an hour.

"Have you bothered reading the notes I sent you, Waliyha?" Seif asked patiently. His patience was running thin and I couldn't blame him, I was a bit frustrated myself because we didn't even reach the hard part yet.

"Well, I tried but I didn't understand anything so I just thought you were going to explain it." She shrugged not really seeing the problem.

"Okay," Seif sighed taking a moment to think then spoke again, "I'm going to start really simple but you have to stop interrupting me. I can't keep my focus." He said calmly.

"I won't, but talk in English please." Waliyha nodded making me chuckle. She really was lost in that subject and it was cute how Seif was patient with her and she was polite in return. At least she appreciate his efforts.

The next two hours were spent in Seif explaining every chapter to us as if we were toddlers. He really was good at breaking down the information and giving it to us in the form of a story. He began his story with the money cycle then why there would be a regression or inflation and he was about finished just a few graphs and important notes said by the professor left when Waliyha got tired.

"My head could explode right now. Can we take a break?" Waliyha asked.

"Well, we only have-"

"Thanks." She interrupted him going to the bathroom. He wasn't really going to agree on that break but I guess she wasn't asking.

"I guess we are on a break then." I chuckled making Seif giggle to himself as well.

"Yeah. I'm sorry if I was cramming your heads. I just want you guys to have time to study before the actual quiz." Seif said apologetically when we were the ones making him come tutor us.

"Yeah Seif, you are totally annoying us with. Like can you stop?" I rolled my eyes at him just to tease him a bit more.

"Oh, I, I'm sorry. I just, I was-"

"Oh my god, Seif I'm joking." I giggled at how nervous he got. The poor thing almost looked like a lost child.

"Yeah, right." His cheeks got a little red as he rubbed his neck smiling to the table.

"You are literally saving our necks." I thanked him in an indirect way because I knew he was already feeling not comfortable form that joke I made.

"Don't worry about it. I really had nothing to do and it's really not that hard of a subject. I just hope you are actually getting all the main points. Like even if you mess one or more here and there, once you revise at home it should be alright." He said with a smile getting out of that uncomfortable atmosphere. Back to merry Seif that I liked.

"Yeah, I know. You are actually an amazing teacher, pulled me through all of midterms and now this. You are a real life saver." I smiled stating the truth but he blushed a little hiding a smile that spread on his face. It was adorable how shy he was.

"It's nothing really. You always have my back, so I'm just glad I could be of use to you." He sounded really genuine which touched my heart.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me." It was my turn to blush now. His words on its own weren't really that flattering but the look of sincerity on his eyes told me how much I meant to him. Which was funny because I'm almost sure Seif was the closest thing to a best friend that I had.

His mouth opened to say something, but he was interrupted by a familiar girl's voice that came to our earshot, "Seif, I didn't know you came to this coffee place. What a nice surprise." Maha forced a smile giving me a look but didn't actual address my presence.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum