Chapter 74

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  Wednesday came faster than I had expected. And the quiz we were worrying about was over with. Now, I was waiting for Waliyha and Aaroosa to finish their classes for the day so we could go shopping for Milan.

"How was the quiz?" Seif asked joining me while I waited for the girls after he finished his lecture.

"Piece of cake." I smiled once I noticed him taking a seat next to me.

"I knew you would ace it." He said with a half-smile.

"I had an amazing tutor, you should totally call him if you are stuck on anything." I joked to lighten his mood a little since I noticed he wasn't his usual self.

Chuckling lightly, he nodded without replying which struck me as odd. He is usually a bit more talkative as this, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," He gave me another smile, "Did that Sarah girl bother you again?" He asked changing the subject.

"No, I didn't really see her all day. How about you? Anything that's bothering you lately?" I said cheekily directing my attention back at him. I wasn't just going to let him change the subject to me when he was obviously the one with something on his mind.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He brushed it off with smile, a kinder one this time not the forced half-smile he's been giving me all day.

Raising a brow at him and crossing my arms, I just gave him a look that said I wasn't buying what he was telling me.

Cracking a sighed laugh, he looked at me rolling his eyes, "What?"

"You what? I thought we were best friends. You never tell me nothing." I frowned faking that I was mad at him.

"There is nothing to tell." He shrugged.

"Okai, say Wallah there is nothing bothering you." This was a bit childish of me but I knew Seif would never lie if he swore.

"Yeah." He shrugged.

"You didn't say Wallah, so there is something." I 'ahed' him.

"I fought with my mother," He shrugged again making me irritated with him. He always thinks whatever he was going through was never important enough.

"Stop doing that." I said annoyed.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Making it look like nothing. It's obviously bothering you so it's important." I said meaning every word I said.

"Because it's normal things." He said trying to justify his action.

"But I still want to hear about. Unless you are not comfortable enough to talk to me." I said only now realizing that whatever was bothering him might actually be something too private to him and I was being a bit too noisy.

"Not at all. I just don't want to bother you." He said almost too fast.

"You are not." I assured him.

"I fought with my mother." He shrugged. He seems to be doing it involuntarily so I'm letting it go.

"About school?" I asked knowing she bugs him most about his studies.

"Not really. She thinks I'm changing. And she isn't really a fan of 'my new changes'." He chuckled air quoting the last part.

"Maybe you have changed but why is it a bad thing?" I asked him more curious than anything. I can't deny I had noticed the change in Seif. Maybe not in his outside appearance but definitely in his behavior. He was more open to people now, compared to his shy self. He wasn't scared of sharing his opinion or talking back when someone was being rude to him but he was still very polite still.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora