Chapter 24

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Cade, Tessa, Shane, and Sam had left for one of the train sheds, seeking to find a spot that included me to sleep. I stayed with the Autobots though, talking to Blue who was in the form of a hologram. The night sky was dark, and so was the dark atmosphere, just as it had been before our discussion on The Seed. I laid my cheek against Blue 's shoulder loving the time of bonding, Blue and I had moments like this before in the past, before I realized he was an Autobot. The only sound heard around us was gears whirling, and the occasional metal clank.  I put my hand over my still flat belly without Blue  noticing and rubbed it, which caused the sparkling inside of me to jump around. "Lily?" Hide 's voice spoke and broke the oppressive silence. I raised my head against the black and silver mech, which in return gave me a bleak and guilty look. "Um, you know we don't want to abandon you, right?" he mumbled, his green emerald optics landing on my form. A gentle smile graced my lips while I was chatting. "It's all right, hide. I just wish you guys didn't have to leave me too. But, humans aren't the best." I sniffed, prompting Hide to turn his hologram into motion. Hide's hologram appeared to be a man in about his late thirties, with sturdy muscles, wavy dark hair, black combat boots, a back vest over a dark gray long-sleeve jacket, black, white, and silver army pants, and the three features that struck me the most to let me know that it was Hide was the scar on his left eye, the height, and bright green eyes. I didn't expect Hide to be around six feet one because Ratchet looked bigger than him in robot form but I guess I was wrong.

"We're sorry we 're letting you down, Lily. Our sincere apologies for all that's happened ...." Hide said, his arms folded over his chest "Maybe Primus planned it this way ... Maybe."

I glanced up above us to see Optimus seated on the bottom of the mountain gazing deep in contemplation at stars. "Perhaps, it's for the best, run," I told him, my voice slightly wavering. Hide 's eyes dropped, written all over his face, with remorse. I didn't want to face it, but in my stomach pit I knew they would finally have to leave. Hide kneels before me with his index finger raising my chin and wipe away my tears with the other one, it was nice to do.

"I wish there was an easier way, Sweet-spark. " I look behind Hide to see Optimus looking at my teary eyes, whose return was also teary, it was good to know that we shared the same sorrow. I stood up from the Blue rock that I was both sitting on, walking to Optimus, but from nowhere my feet dropped from below me. Optimus caught me in his arms that placed me on his lap, holding me in close proximity.

"I don't know what's going to happen to us, Optimus. Ratchet told me if two spark mates have been apart for a long time . Finally they will die. And I'm scared of that, Optimus." Optimus grabbed my hand kissing each of my knuckles and I threw myself at him, tangling my arms around his neck and hugging him tight to me. Optimus tangles my legs around his waist the same way, and we just sat on the ground basking in heartache and spark-ache, the other Autobots were standing around all looking sad and guilty, particularly Ratchet because he knew what the others didn't.

"Optimus, if you have to go, just know I'll never forget you and remain until you get the seed back." I begged, shaking my body in his embrace. He pulled my shoulders softly, and made me face him, cupping my face into my hazel eyes, quietly agreeing with my words.

"Lily, we 'd do anything for you, you 're a member of this family and you're one of us." Hound screamed with excitement, to which Bee replied with "Hell yes!" Words instantly played on the radio. Drift immediately raised a digit to his helm, seemingly listening to something. "We intercepted encrypted communications ...." he declared, catching the attention of any robot "The other organic is going to his Chinese factory." He added, staring straight at me. I nodded my head and I stated letting myself go for Optimus. I kissed his eye until he and the other frustrated bots walked away. "Where are you going?!" Hairs called out, as puzzled as the other bots. I turned on my heel and walked backwards as I responded, "I've got an idea! And it's completely insane!" Then I started jogging to the train shed where I saw the others coming in and running around.

Looking for a carriage door which had been opened, I just clambered inside to see Cade and Sam talking to each other, Shane and Tessa were both cuddled up at the other end of the carriage and it was a sweet sight. "Lily? I thought you were asleep?" asked Cade, getting up from his seat to meet me at the doorway.

"I thought you were four, too," whispered slightly out of breath, smiling and putting my hands-on Cade's shoulders: "I've got an idea, but I'll need a phone."

EDITING- Her Strength, His Rage (Book 4) (Age Of Extinction)Where stories live. Discover now