Chapter 8

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A hand on my cheek wakes me up. I sat up in the cabin rubbing my sore head and the hands of Optimus replaced mine from where he sat on the driver's side. "So, what's the plan?" I asked Optimus, ducking out in the seats just next to us as a large missile exploded. "We need to lose them in town. Once we get there, I'll need you to take cover." He told, speeding out of the driveway and onto the main road. I scooted toward the window to see if we'd been followed. My eyes were widening, when I heard tires ganging over us.

In response, I nodded and didn't want to challenge him, as the tires behind us increased. Somewhat blinked in the rear-view mirror, and I changed my attention to meet a silver / gray Lamborghini Aventador coming from behind us. "Optimus! We've got company!" I announced as he buckled me in tightly pulling the seat belt making it impossible for me to move any part of my body. I screamed as an oncoming car came in our direction. He swerved. Finally Optimus made it into town and came to a sudden halt before throwing the driver-side door open. "I'm going to come back. Go and hide!" he screamed.

"No! I can't leave you!" I fired back and didn't move in my eyes from the seat tears. "Lily, you have to go. I'll come back." he said, impatiently kneading his eyebrows. I instantly jumped out and turned around, watching as he headed off down the road and back out of town, maybe to find the Lamborghini who had now disappeared. I ran my hand through my now messy hair and slowly started going back to the pavement, ignoring the stares that I had from strangers from my sudden appearance.

I fled down the streets in a mad rush for cover looking for somewhere to hide, but after only living here for about two years, I knew this town like the back of my hand, and there was practically nothing I could tell worth hiding. I kept running until I heard tires speeding up behind me, and turned my head to the sound of someone shouting my name. I kept running until I reached an abandoned lot of containers and screamed at the sounds of explosions and metal hitting metal while I was running but stopped when I spotted Cade, Tessa, Lucas and shockingly Shane? I looked up on the roof of some old building to see Optimus and Lockdown fight.

"Lily, thank God, you're safe!" Cade says, hugging me tightly and with the same tightness I hugged him back. "Come on!" I ordered, going back to Blue, Cade, Lucas, and I. After complaining about not wanting to be in a death trap, Tessa agreed to go with Shane, I told Blue to head towards where the fight was happening, and to be careful of the Cemetery Wind patrol cars speeding around the area. "I thought they would give us money! Do not bring the whole damn death squad!" Lucas confessed, after finally making it out.

My heart was a thundering mess and my hands clenched Blue's steering wheel until my knuckles were white as snow, I tried to not strike Lucas with my fists so I gave Cade a look and he decided to fight him for me, I grinned in relief at the sounds of Lucas' screaming. Cemetery Wind cars destroyed after driving through buildings and passing by.

"Dude what are you doing?! Are you beating me up because of her?!" Lucas screamed.

We arrived at a clearing where we saw Shane and Tessa embracing each other, and Cade gets out of the car immediately and approaches them. "Tessa! Who the heck is this!? Didn't I tell you no dating?!" Cade censored, but he's not actively driving Shane away from Tessa, which shocked me and Lucas. The horn honking broke the intense atmosphere and captured my attention, coming to a stop in front of us at Optimus skidding. "You guys are going with Blue, I'm going with Optimus," I told them.

"Good," respond Cade. Optimus opens the door to me and I climbed inside, not because I didn't want the others to come, it's just because I know that Blue will keep them safe and out of the way of harm. That moment was brought to a close by shouting from Lucas though. "My foot is stuck! Wait! Cade!" A deep rumbling sound echoed across the field, and I raised my head to meet Lockdowns' own green optics, which was holding a big strange device formally tossing it down to us.

EDITING- Her Strength, His Rage (Book 4) (Age Of Extinction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang