Chapter 4

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I woke up to my cover being pulled away from me. I turned shivering at my side and my sleep was rudely disturbed by the near grip of my nose. "What the hell!?" I yelled as I slapped whatever it could be. "Frag! I was just kidding!" shouts a familiar, deep voice.

As I rolled over on my pillow, my light brown hair fell out of my ponytail. "Blue?" I yelled. He rubbed his forehead. Rubbing my eyes, I sat quietly to get rid of my fatigue.

"How did you get in here?" I questioned. He sat down on the edge of my bed not saying a word to me and all of the Autobots, including Will, Epps, and Sam knew how I hated not being answered.

"Blue?! What the hell are you doing?! Do you want the humans to see you!?" I squealed.

"I came to say 'good morning'?" He laughed awkwardly, narrowing his eyes. I raised my eyebrow. What has he done with the real blue? The cranky and hot head Blue.

"It's apparent that the organic Cade Yeager is calling you," Blue informed.

I brushed my hair out of my face and huffed loudly. "I don't need them asking questions!" I growled, as I quickly jumped out of bed. I listened to the sound of metal transforming and signed with relief, before darting out the room and down the hall to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I wash my hair and teeth quickly after my shower, then put on comfortable clothes. I rushed downstairs and stormed out of the house, closing the door behind me. I sprint past Blue. "Lily? Where are you going?" Blue asked me, turning his hologram on. I just couldn't help him but smile. Blue saw and he raised an eyebrow confused, and his face heats up.

"Is my sparkling blushing?" I teased.
"No! Primes' don't blush!" he objected.
"Don't let them see you," I said. "Of course," Blue answered, before his hologram was deactivated. I make my way across the yard to the barn and I immediately see Tessa and Lucas standing outside the barn watching me approach them.

I nodded my head and began to storm my way over with both Lucas and Tessa now following. "Cade, why are you in here so early!? It's 9:30 in the morning!" I shouted, standing outside of the door. "Are you working with lasers? Because if you're I am not coming in!" Tessa stated firmly, only to jump back in surprise as the barn door opened to reveal Cade, who was covered hand to toe in dirt. He made eye contact with me and dragged me inside, Tessa and Lucas were hesitant to follow, but did anyway. "You guys, I've never seen a truck like this one before.... Get in here, lock the door," Cade mumbled, breathlessly, continuing to drag me across the barn. Lucas does as he was told and locked the doors, after boldly stating that the doors don't lock.

"Look at the size of if, something blew a hole in it." Cade continued, rushing over to the radiator and peering through the hole. I watched Cade in amusement, it was like watching a kid in a candy store.

"What are you talking about?" Lucas asked, confused, obviously, he wasn't paying attention.

"It's not normal steel..." Cade informed us, climbing up a small ladder to stand beside the truck as well as a few jump cables. "The shrapnel in the engine is completely shot."

EDITING- Her Strength, His Rage (Book 4) (Age Of Extinction)Where stories live. Discover now